16 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / March 2018 Designing with Colorado’s Aging Population In Mind Benefits Everyone, Informs New Urban Design T he future of Denver not only promises transitions in urban development and infrastructure, but a massive shift in demographics. By 2040, the Colorado State De- mography Office predicts that almost one out of every five Denverites will fall in the age range of 65 and above. Statewide, the statistics are even more dramatic. According to a recent article in the Denver Post, “From 2010 and 2025 the annual num- ber of retirees is expected to increase by 74 percent compared with only a 27 percent increase in the labor force over the same time period. By 2030, the state’s senior population is projected to increase by 508,000, or 68 percent, over today’s levels.” You might be expecting me to follow suit by asking the question: What impact does this demo- graphic shift have on the design industry? I would like to counter, however, with a more exciting ques- tion: How can principles extracted from design for the aging enhance and inform new construction and urban design? There are many important corollaries between design for the aging and good design practice. Here are two holistic benefits of designing for an aging population that could potentially have a powerful, long-lasting impact on Denver’s new architectural and urban projects: • A push toward housing solutions that allow people to age- in-place helps stabilize and diversify communities by facilitat- ing mixed generations while maximizing older adults’ ability to contribute to their community. According to a PEW research study, as of August 2016, a record 60.6 million Americans live in multi- generational households, despite a favorable econ- omy and the last recession still comfortably in the rearview mirror. Designing residences to accom- modate aging in place supports multigenerational households and mixed-generation neighborhoods, both of which help maximize opportunities for older adults to contribute to the community while being able to care for themselves. According to the AARP’s “Aging in Place Toolkit,” mixed-generation neighborhoods facilitate the no- tion that “There are valuable links to be made be- tween the needs and skills of different age groups. Young mothers often need child care while older adults need transportation to the doctor or store. Teenagers need after-school employment while older adults need help with small chores around the house.” Another byproduct of design for the aging is the notion that one must approach a design solution so that it is inherently more livable and accessible. Regardless of age or stage of life, design features such as single-floor living, building entries and shower/bath floors without steps or curbs, shelving and storage solutions within arm’s reach of seat- ed height, and a strong indoor/outdoor connection provide people of all ages and physical abilities with a more seamless manner of living in a home environment. • An emphasis on designing and planning new buildings and city services with inclusive design principles allows everyone, regardless of age and ability, to navigate their city and obtain resources more seamlessly and enjoyably. On a larger scale, anticipating the necessity of being able to navigate a city with ease at any age and life stage informs design solutions that speak to connection rather than isolation, and ease rather than obstacles. An example that illustrates this dates back to my childhood. Growing up in the suburbs of upstate New York, I still vividly remember when my mother explained to me that a dear family friend had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. As time passed, our friend was transitioned fromwalking to the use of a wheelchair. An active physician with a brilliant mind, he quickly made the decision to move his family to New York City – where a seamless network of sidewalks, high-rise buildings equipped with multiple elevators, an extensive network of accessi- ble, public transportation options, and a diverse of- fering of street-level retail, the urban environment enabled him to navigate his surroundings and ac- complish his day-to-day tasks more efficiently and enjoyably than had he stayed in a heavily car-de- pendent, suburban environment. Creative Content Beth R. Mosen- thal, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Associate, Anderson Mason Dale Architects A universal design/accessibility graphic was built into the textiles of the accessible seats on the sub- way in Tokyo.