March 2018 \ BUILDING DIALOGUE \ 23 2785 Speer Aloft Hotel Park Regency Assisted Living We give thanks to all of our clients, employees and colleagues for a special year. COLORADO | TEXAS www. mpconstruct .com FASTEST GROWING PRIVATE COMPANY Denver Business Journal BEST PLACE TO WORK Denver Business Journal Leading the Way direct access to the Platte River, and the land area gave us an opportunity to really make something special here. The access to the Platte River makes the site very unique. Walking into the building, you’ve exposed many of the industrial presses and elevator gear. SP: Yes, we were very clear that what this building need- ed was to celebrate its architecture, the timber beams and also its history. This building was once a textile and cloth- ing recycling facility and one of the huge steel bailers re- mained so we embraced it to be part of the building’s ar- chitecture it. We had good partners: tres birds architects and White Construction. As a team, we were all equally committed to honoring the building, exposing the histo- ry and delicately modifying it. Now that the building is open and leasing has taken off, what are your plans for Steam on the Platte? SP: We have a little over 3 acres on this site and our next project is to reposition a former gas station into a brew- ery with access to a river-facing outdoor space. It will be quite special. We have direct access to the Platte River bike path, which is great. You can ride your bike here, enjoy the brewery or go to work. In the future you will be able to kayak to the brewery as well. We are planning an additional residential building that will include commercial space with direct access to the river. We’re excited about that. You have a history of commu- nity-centric development. How will this site serve the area? SP: We have an intention- al interest in being part the neighborhood. Here we can enhance Denver’s poorest neighborhood with services employment opportunities and recreation access to the bike path. This is a meaningful opportunity. Our housing will comple- ment Denver’s Denveright plan to redevelop the Sun Valley neighborhood with housing, food production and other sustainable elements. Denver Housing Authority’s Choice Neighborhood grant of $30 million to develop mixed-in- come housing is the first step in supporting a meaning- ful future of the neighborhood. Steam is just north of the Xcel Zuni Power facility. What’s planned for the power plant? SP: Xcel plans to decommission the Steam Plan and I’m assuming there will be redevelopment of at least portions of the buildings. I hope they keep the brick buildings and the two smoke stacks. They are iconic landmarks. Visit for more information. \\ Susan Powers