32 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / March 2018 ELEMENTS Construction Techniques T he mass timber movement continues to gain popularity across the United States as a sustainable and viable op- tion when compared to traditional steel, con- crete and masonry structural systems. Mass timber buildings, including cross-lam- inated timber and glue-laminated beams, have been constructed in Canada and Europe for de- cades. Locally, the Denver market presently has two buildings underway, one of which is being built by Swinerton for the Viega U.S. Headquarters in Broomfield. Designed by OZ Architecture, this CLT project consists of a three-story headquarters building and a single-story training center, total- ing 78,000 square feet between the two structures. Despite being fairly new to the U.S., mass timber structures are no stranger to Swinerton as we are completing a 156,000-square-foot headquarters for First Tech Federal Credit Union in Portland, Ore- gon. We are seeing much industry interest as sev- eral clients across the country are trying to deter- mine if mass timber is the best structural system for their upcoming developments. One key to a successful mass timber undertak- ing is understanding the inherent challenges and intricacies of designing and erecting these struc- tures. Each project team participant faces different questions when considering mass timber. As the owner, is this the structure type you want for your building? As the designer, since mass timber offers a different aesthetic with a greater connection to the environment, is this your vision for the proj- ect? For the builder, are you ready to shift your project delivery methodology, enhance your use of technology to lead the industry, and build first? Answers to these questions facilitate the path for- ward with mass timber. To begin, the design team should determine if mass timber is the structural system before the schematic design phase because it is important to understand how the bay spacing complements the owner’s program. Also, mass timber provides an open wood ceiling condition, and if taking advantage of this option, design for the ex- posed infrastructure is best determined ear- ly in the process. The general contractor is required to understand the most cost-ef- fective way to build a mass timber struc- ture and find schedule efficiencies. Developing the project team in early design fosters a cohesive environment for making cost-efficient decisions. The mass timber manufacturer should be involved in early de- sign phases, too. Each manu- facturer, whether Canadian or European, has its own design strategy and framework, and evaluates the project using its own proprietary de- sign guidelines and wood species. For these reasons, Lisa Larance Preconstruction Manager, Swinerton Mass Timber Movement is Growing in Denver Mass timber, including cross-laminated timber and glue-laminated beams, provides a different aes- thetic and greater connection to the outdoors than traditional construction types. Mass timber buildings are growing in popularity in the United States after being constructed for decades in Europe and Canada.