DECEMBER 2017 \ BUILDING DIALOGUE \ 33 ELEMENTS Construction Techniques including the mass timber manufacturer early in the design process enhances the overall team’s ability to collaborate, design and build efficiently. Mass timber structures allow engineers to get creative in their design with lighter structures, cus- tom connections and exact production tolerances. The project team must operate with a collaborative attitude to develop the precise structural tolerances that mass timber requires. For example, on the First Tech project in Portland, engineers were challenged to design multiple offsetting connection points to due to the use of larger, heavier beams. Because mass timber structures carry the load more efficiently via different bay spacing than structural steel or concrete, this design differential allows for potential elimination of perime- ter beams, resulting in a cleaner, lighter structure which translates into less material to erect, saving time and money. Building information modeling is the industry stan- dard for verifying design elements and their spatial re- quirements within buildings. Now, as mass timber man- ufacturers integrate during the schematic design phase, the team can ascertain design and production informa- tion directly from the BIM model. This aspect is critical as connection tolerances for mass timber shrinks to ³⁄µ” from the typical ½” to ¾” in steel structures. This situation requires development of custom connections – both in size and placement to properly accommodate the build- ing design. In today’s busy design and construction marketplace, builders are erecting structures at a greater pace, with less room for error. Understanding the challenges of building a mass timber structure takes a dedication to learn, research and collaborate early with partners to de- liver unmatched expertise. \\ Mass timber provides an open wood ceiling condition, and if taking advantage of this option, design for the exposed infrastructure is best determined early in the process. 910 16th street, suite 610 denver, co 80202 a rch i tect u re i nter i o r des i gn & 3 03 . 8 72 . 20 03 www. kest re l dg. c om