March 2018 \ BUILDING DIALOGUE \ 41 Floorz is a market leader and involved locally to provide service in commercial flooring unmatched by competitors. is to uncover what story lines the space should or could express. Our intent is to create a positive emotional bond be- tween the user, and the physical space; for a user to ap- proach either with confusion and uncertainty is coun- terproductive and frustrating. Think of navigating a built space for the first time; signage and wayfinding cues can make the experience simple, even pleasur- able. Recognizable ab- stractions, icons and representative fea- tures – maybe a liv- ing wall to satisfy our positive response to biophilia – from the real world can ease the way. Experiential graph- ic design is meant to foster interaction be- tween users and en- vironments. Develop- ing a successful story throughout the space and designing for ex- perience requires em- pathy and intuition. To the greatest extent possible, we consider how every aspect of an environment impacts action and reaction to it. Our goal is to facilitate reciprocal engagement between people and places so that the brand story can come to life and have a positive lasting impact on everyone who experiences the space. \\ ELEMENTS Experiential Graphic Design Eric Laignel LinkedIn, San Francisco. Frank Ooms Agility Recovery, Denver.