12 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / December 2018 ADVERTISING: Lori Golightly SUBSCRIPTIONS: Jolene Wollett ART DIRECTOR: Heather Lewis 1600 Stout St., Suite 1330 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-1148 Publisher’s Note S ometimes an issue’s content leads me down a path of straightforward observa- tion: Gaylord Rockies Resort & Conven- tion Center must have its own ZIP code, with its 1,501 hotel rooms and 495,000 square feet of convention center space. Sometimes, it’s more understated: The Prism is a 101,000-square-foot mixed-use “jewel” in the heart of downtown Denver As our days grow short and nights grow long, this quarter’s issue again features bold and beautiful proj- ects; it also provides a closer look at some of the finer details to consider as we continue to grow and stretch and evolve. Some of the finer points are discussed by Beth Mosen- thal in her Creative Content column, in which she invites the reader to consider designing for livability and equity. Andre Barros looks at “edge conditions” of development. Dairy Block is an example of where edge conditions al- lowed for a reimagining of the alley – instead of being a place for delivery trucks, it’s an ac- tivated space during the day where people can eat and shop, while deliveries are reserved for after hours – this edge condition focuses on the human scale. Speaking of Dairy Block, Prolo- gis recently moved its headquar- ters from the outskirts of Denver to Dairy Block in Denver’s urban core. In the process, the firm re- considered everything about its workplace, from breaking down walls to bringing people together. Other features offer a look at leveraging art to enhance buildings; the open-closed (office) discussion continues; and attainable housing is being embraced in Lone Tree, while Cherry Creek welcomes the Laurel. Martin/Martin is featured in this issue. Celebrating 30 years, the engineering firm has left its mark throughout the state and the country with projects like 1144 Fifteenth and Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Canvas Stadium at Colorado State University, and Chase Field in Phoenix. The firm is now working on the West Lot development at Coors Field. Building Dialogue is heading into its fifth year. It’s grown right along with Denver. And Colorado Springs. And Boul- der. And Fort Collins. And mountain communities. And. And. And. Your work inspires and it’s a true pleasure to share it with our readers. Thank you. Kris Oppermann Stern Publisher & Editor