30 / BUILDING DIALOGUE / December 2018 ELEMENTS Arts Infusing Art to Enhance Private Development Y ou notice a thin white structure pouring down the side of a building and splashing to the ground like spilled milk. You smile and enter the alleyway. You turn a mysterious knob on the wall and are surprised to un- lock the sounds of the Colo- rado Symphony. You enter the building to see a yarn-bombed tree and a gigantic wooden hand epitomizing hospitality. You just entered the Dairy Block in Lower Downtown Denver, one of many examples of le- veraging the arts to enhance a space. When art is thoughtfully integrated into developments, there is a mutually beneficial outcome that extends beyond the bottom line. Over the sum- mer, Colorado Business Committee for the Arts hosted a forum to explore this business case for infusing art and creativity into private real estate development. CBCA has been advancing Colorado’s creative econo- my by connecting business and the arts for over 30 years, accomplished through advocacy, research, training, vol- unteerismand arts engagement. In 2018, CBCA launched a new Arts + Industry Forum Series to examine the in- tersection between the arts and specific industry sectors. On Aug. 27, CBCA hosted an Arts + Real Estate Forum at the ART hotel, attended by nearly 100 people. The forumpanel included a combination of top Den- ver developers, consultants and artists. Through presen- tations and dialogue, they discussed the return-on-in- vestment for art in placemaking, why art is a smart investment for real estate developers, and the various benefits and challenges for artists working with the pri- vate sector. “In an increasingly competitivemarket, developers are looking for that little extra something that will help set them apart,” said Martha Weidmann, CEO at NINE dot ARTS, which is a corporate art consulting firm based in Denver. The firm is behind many of the spaces in Colo- rado and nationwide that inspire that unique “surprise and delight” factor, which fosters positive experienc- es and loyalty for customers and constituents. “Using a curated art program, we help define a space – whether that’s a corporate office building, hotel or luxury condo- minium – creating intrinsic value for the people who use it. “Looking beyond the space, developers are also taking a more holistic approach to creating healthy environ- ments designed to enrich people’s lives,” Weidmann added. “Similar to the benefits of incorporating environ- mentally friendly design elements, art has been shown to improve the health and wellbeing of the people who Meredith Badler Program Director, Colo- rado Business Committee for the Arts Paul Brokering for NINE dot ARTS Dairy Block Paul Brokering for NINE dot ARTS The Maven Hotel at Dairy Block Paul Brokering for NINE dot ARTS The Alley at Dairy Block