CREJ - page 32

Page 32
— Multifamily Properties Quarterly — July 2015
ommunities are funny
things. Most people want to
be part of one and are seek-
ing one. Occasionally people
build them. But in multi-
family land, residents are already
part of a community. Just by living
in an apartment, condominium or
high-rise building, they have placed
themselves in a community.
The people in a multifamily com-
munity share basic things – mutual
amenities, proximity to desirable
locations, similar income status,
preferring or not preferring animals
in their neighborhood, and they
may be of a specific age. They also
may share more specific connec-
tions. The problem today is that
members of neighborhoods rarely
discover that the community they
want to develop is the community
that they already are a part of.
Working in the multifamily indus-
try, we hear people say all the time,
“We need to build more commu-
nity.” But why foster this abstract
thing? The short answer is that it
makes the residents feel more ful-
filled, the manager’s life easier and
the property that the residents live
in more valuable. When people care
about their community, they are
happier, healthier, safer and tend to
stick around.
But how, when and who is going
to do it? Start small, start right
away and take the time to cultivate
community leaders everywhere.
Building community starts wher-
ever it can, but it is not without
obstacles. Managers in this industry
already have a lot of work on their
plates, but taking the time to help
instill a sense of community will
make the job easier in the long run
– they might even enjoy it more,
According to Amy Sample Ward,
a speaker and author specializing
in online communities and social
action, there are five core princi-
pals to building community. All five
principles translate well for the
multifamily arena.
1. Focus on shared goals and own-
Identify what resonates with
your organization and the commu-
nity of people you want to engage.
When those goals overlap, you have
a sweet spot that will appeal to the
most people and draw in participa-
tion. For example, transforming a
local greenspace
into a play park
seems good on
paper, especially
if the board and
management are
in favor of it, but
if there are only
a few families in
the community,
the idea may not
be the participa-
tion generator
the board desired.
There has to be a
want and a need.
2. Transparency.
Keeping a project
quiet until a big reveal can lead to
problems as disgruntled residents
and owners can be quick to point
out what they don’t like about it.
People like to feel involved. Trans-
parency, wherever possible, fosters
a sense of trust and buy-in from the
people in the community. Think of
it as the golden rule for community
engagement. Treat your community
members the way you would want
them to treat you.
3. Go where the people are.
If you
build it, they still might not come.
Working to build a sense of commu-
nity takes time and effort. Reaching
out to residents is a must, and the
easiest way to do that is by going to
them. When attending open meet-
ings it is never good to look at an
empty room and hear commentary
on how few community members
are present.
If people are at the dog park,
engage them at the dog park. If
they are at the pool, consider hand-
ing out flyers there. If there are no
amenities, wait by the mailboxes
and invite them to a happy hour or
meet and greet at a nearby restau-
rant. The point is to start small and
focus on face-to-face interaction.
At the very least, this will develop
a rapport with the people and they
will be more likely to attend the
next event they are invited to.
4. Cultivate leaders.
development is incredibly impor-
tant,” said Ward. “You don’t actually
want to be the one maintaining the
engagement forever – if the com-
munity can take over your role, it is
a sign that it is not just sustainable,
but thriving!”
She goes on to discuss how it
feels counterintuitive to train oth-
ers as replacements, but that it is
necessary. Many studies on leader-
ship note that the highest level of
leadership is training someone to
replace you. This may take some
practice. Use positive reinforcement,
encourage others to take on proj-
ects and be transparent about how
you go about things so that others
know they may take the reins.
5. Know your community.
At the
end of the day, fostering commu-
nity is about knowing the people
in the community, making mutual
connections and feeling a sense of
ownership. As the manager, you
should have a better idea than most
about who is in your community
and where you might start. Work
with colleagues and volunteers to
achieve something that will matter
to the whole neighborhood once or
twice a year. Remember step one. If
the whole community has a shared
goal, you will find an organic place
to start building.
As you spend time working
toward your goals, remember why
you are doing it. Homeowner asso-
ciations with satisfied residents see
property values go up, are rated as
better places to live and managers
find that their workloads decrease.
Apartments with satisfied and
loyal residents see resident turn-
over decrease and occupancy rates
increase. There is a large amount
of value that is hard to specifically
quantify, but if you talk to a manag-
er who has been around for a while,
they will tell you that you have hit
the management jackpot if you
manage a happy community.
Danielle Holley
Institute, Rocky
Mountain Chapter,
Northfield at Stapleton Apartments,
Sponsored by Northeast Den-
ver Housing Center, Northfield at
Stapleton Apartments is an 84-unit
project serving individuals and
families, and located in Stapleton’s
newest redevelopment area, Conser-
vatory Green.
Morrison Road Apartments, Denver.
Sponsored by St. Charlestown Co.,
Morrison Road is a 197-unit project
serving individuals and families
in the Westwood neighborhood of
southwest Denver.
The following developments were
awarded state LIHTC in CHFA’s sec-
ond allocation round completed in
May. All of these developments will
give preference to households dis-
placed by the 2013 floods:
Kestrel, Louisville.
Sponsored by
Boulder County Housing Authority,
Kestrel is a 70-unit building serving
seniors, with an additional 120 units
in multiple buildings that will serve
low-income families and individu-
als. This is the first LIHTC-support-
ed project constructed in Louisville
in more than 15 years.
Centennial Park Apartments, Long-
Sponsored by Summit Housing
Group Inc., Centennial Park Apart-
ments is a 140-unit project serving
families, and located adjacent to
Longmont’s Rough and Ready Trail.
Copper Peak, Longmont.
by the Inland Group, Copper Peak
is a 240-unit development serving
families. It is located across from a
neighborhood grocery and depart-
ment store, and is within walking
distance to local retail and restau-
rant providers.
Crisman Apartments, Longmont.
Sponsored by Solvera Advisors, Cris-
man Apartments will provide 114
units, serving families in Longmont,
and will work with local nonprofit
organizations to provide resident
services such as job skills and
financial assistance.
Oakridge Senior Apartments, Fort
Sponsored by McDermott
Properties, Oakridge Senior Apart-
ments is a 126-unit property that
will serve seniors 62 years of age
and older, with preference given to
households displaced by the 2012
High Park fire.
Village on Redwood Apartments,
Fort Collins.
Sponsored by Fort Col-
lins Housing Authority, Village on
Redwood Apartments will provide
72 units of affordable rental hous-
ing for individuals and families, and
will be located in a single-family
oriented neighborhood in northern
Fort Collins.
Guadalupe Apartments, Greeley.
Sponsored by Archdiocesan Hous-
ing, Guadalupe Apartments is a
47-unit project providing perma-
nent supportive housing with ser-
vices for formerly homeless indi-
viduals and families, constructed
on a part of the campus where the
sponsor’s existing Guadalupe Shel-
ter is located.
The Edge, Loveland.
Sponsored by
city of Loveland Housing Authority,
The Edge is a 70-unit project provid-
ing workforce housing for families,
as well as 10 units for formerly
homeless veterans, and is located
adjacent to open space and Boyd
Lake State Park.
Windsor Meadows II, Windsor.
Sponsored by Windsor Housing
Authority in partnership with the
city of Loveland Housing Authority,
Windsor Meadows II is a 36-unit
property that will serve families,
and is located at the east end of the
Windshire Park subdivision.
CHFA received 31 applications
seeking federal tax credits in the
third and final allocation round of
the year. CHFA has $13 million of
federal LIHTC for the final alloca-
tion round. An announcement for
these awards is expected in late
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