Page 18 — Office Properties Quarterly — December 2018 BIG OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE IN DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR. Just outside Boulder and a short commute from Denver, a vibrant, new Downtown Superior is taking shape. This urban hub offers land for office and mixed-use residential/ retail, plus new office and retail space built to suit. The area offers competitive economics, easy access to Denver International Airport, an educated employment pool and a sought-after location. It will be an energetic, eclectic mix of retail, shopping, dining, entertainment and living— walkable, sustainable and surrounded by acres of gorgeous Colorado open space. Fully entitled for up to 817,600 square feet of office, retail and restaurant space; 1,400 residential units; and 500 hotel rooms. Visi t FRESH OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS, RESTAURANTS, RETAIL AND MORE. That’s a Superior idea. Trends what employees need to be maximally productive and engaged. Study after study proves that workers are dis- tracted in open office environments, not focused. They’re much more likely to entrench themselves in digital com- munication, less likely to engage in in- person contact or collaboration. Open- floor-plan employees seem to be less engaged, less happy, less productive and less likely to stick around. What’s the solution to this pervasive problem? The return to the profes- sional, private workplace. The return of the refuge for the busy employee who needs intense focus to produce high- quality work on a deadline. This space is a private one, preferably with a door. It doesn’t have to be large in size, but it needs to be quiet. For businesses and offices where small private offices are not possible, secluded desks or high- wall cubicles can work just as well. As long as each employee has a private, professional and peaceful space of her own – she’ll be equipped for optimal productivity. • Allow for collaboration. With private offices and secluded desks in place, it’s possible to allow for optional col- laboration. Instead of forcing employ- ees together in a suboptimal bullpen in an effort to compel collaboration, a successful office is designed with com- mon spaces and lounges for voluntary use. Employees are able to migrate to these common spaces for meetings, conference calls, informal discussions, brainstorms or simple socialization. However, employees always have the option to return to their private work areas when it’s time for high-intensity productivity. In workplaces that allow for collabo- ration opportunities, employee autono- my is respected. The option for in-per- son communication, collaboration and socialization is always available, but it’s never unavoidable. A mixed-use office design featuring ample private work- space and ample collaborative work- space offers the best of both worlds, and empowers employees to make the day-to-day choices that best suit their own styles, preferences, workloads and moods. • Prioritize wellness. If there’s one recent workplace trend that truly works for every generation and profes- sion, it’s wellness. The incorporation of health-promoting amenities and programs is something that is uni- versally appealing and effective. Baby Boomers, Gen Z, GenY and all the rest agree – their health is a key prior- ity, and the workplaces and offices that prioritize it will be rewarded with higher rates of productivity and lower rates of turnover. Particularly for our newest generation of workers, Gen Z, wellness is top of mind. According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of this generation already feels stressed about their health and well-being. Among millennials, nearly six in 10 say their well-being in work is “very important” to them. These statistics prove that the importance of wellness on the job can- not be overstated. For wellness-centric offices, offerings might include: • Maximum use and positioning of natural light, with common spaces and light-enhancing features like mirrors built around the office’s largest sun- facing windows. • Sit-to-stand desks available and encouraged for all employees. • Access to nearby fitness equipment and/or fitness classes. • Access to fresh, whole and health- ful snacks and drinks (as well as limits on access to highly processed or sug- ary foods commonly available from vending machines). As business booms in Colorado, more and more owners will be looking for ways to maximize the efficacy of their new, existing and growing workspaces. Leaders who choose to take a criti- cal approach to recent years’ trends, opting instead for a carefully curated, optimized and professional office lay- out – will surely be richly reward. V Continued from Page 1 Firmspace Wellness-centric offices should maximum use and positioning of natural light, with common spaces and light-enhancing features built around the office’s largest sun-facing windows.