June 2019 — Office Properties Quarterly — Page 7 DOWNTOWN DENVER Deve l opment Forum June 27, 2019 7 – 9 AM Hyatt Regency at Colorado Convention Center TICKETS: DOWNTOWNDENVER.COM Hear from local experts with national experience about center city neighborhood projects, development financing, public sector investment, and emerging trends: Donna Blair, Continuum Partners Haroun Cowans, Five Points Development Corporation Eric Tupler, HFF Eulois Cleckley, Denver Public Works Attendees will meet face-to-face with the leaders behind Downtown Denver’s next great projects and be among the first to receive the 2019 Downtown Denver Development Report. Event Title Sponsor: SCAN TO REGISTER: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Dev Forum CREJ Ad.pdf 1 5/30/2019 8:33:40 AM