Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • August 4, 2023 13 On behalf of Principal Traci Kessler, along with the faculty, staff, students and families of Nativity BVM Catholic School, we would like to wish Father Godfrey Andoh a very happy birthday! A group of Nativity Saints were on hand to celebrate Father Godfrey's special day at the Sacred Heart Center following Sunday Mass. We are all so grateful for Father Godfrey's presence and commitment to our school. Thank you for all that you do!! Nativity Saints help celebrate Father Godfrey’s special day! N ativity BVM S chool , B iloxi / N ativity BVM C athedral , B iloxi The Nativity BVM Cathedral Men’s Club hosted a fiftieth birthday celebration for the Most Reverend Father Godfrey Andoh following the July 9 11 a.m. Mass. A barbecue lunch was prepared by the Men’s Club, along with desserts. Over two hun- dred parishioners welcomed Father Godfrey to the Sacred Heart Center with a rous- ing version of Happy Birthday. The entire Nativity parish is grateful for the contin- ued hard work and dedication by Father Godfrey and the Men’s Club wanted to show a small token of appreciation by celebrating Father Godfrey’s golden jubilee. Thank you to the Men’s Club for their continued support of Nativity Cathedral and a big Happy Birthday to Father Godfrey! Birthday celebrations for Father Godfrey Andoh H ispanic M inistry , S t . A lphonsus P arish , O cean S prings On Saturday, July 8, a workshop was presented for the Hispanic Discipleship Quads. This is the second time during the year in which all the quads gathered together for faith formation and fellowship. The talks focused on: The Kerygma, Call to Holiness, and three testimonies were given by quad members Edgar Flores, Laura Vega and Flor Arellano. There are currently 17 women’s quads, four men’s quads, and nine competed. It means that around 110 people are walking this discipleship pathway. Father Sergio Balderas is convinced that this quad process for the Hispanic community is the answer to the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ in (Matthew 28:19) “Vayan y hagan que todos sean mis discipulos.” Cuadrillas de discipulado The Nativity BVM Cathedral Men’s Club celebrates Father Godfrey’s fiftieth birthday.