Gulf Pine Catholic

12 Gulf Pine Catholic • January 5, 2024 Bishop Kihneman promulgates handbook on the Discernment and Formation of Candidates for the Consecration of a Virgin Living in the World BY TERRY DICKSON DIOCESE OF BILOXI -- A new handbook has been created to provide framework for women in the Diocese of Biloxi who feel the call to consecrated vir- ginity. Bishop Louis F. Kihneman III promulgated the Handbook on the Discernment and Formation of Candidates for the Consecration of a Virgin Living in the World on January 1. “Consecrated Virginity is a sacred vocation deeply rooted in the traditions of the Catholic Church, whereby women conse- crate themselves wholly to Christ, embracing a life of prayer, service, and devotion,” said Bishop Kihneman. Recognizing the importance of this vocation and in accor- dance with the teachings of the Church, I hereby establish a framework that provides clear guidelines and support for those called to live out this special calling. Canon Law distinguishes this special calling as “the order of virgins who, expressing the holy resolution of following Christ more closely, are consecrated to God by the diocesan bishop according to the approved litur- gical rite, are mystically betrothed to Christ, the Son of God, and are dedicated to the service of the Church.” (Canon 604 §1) Candidates must undergo a three-year formation and fulfill the following requirements: • A candidate must be a female Roman Catholic of at least 27 years of age. She must have received the Sacraments of Initiation prior to applying as a candi- date. • A convert to Catholicism should not be admitted into formation until she has practiced the Catholic Faith for at least two years. • The person applying to be accepted as a candidate to be consecrated as a virgin living in the world must have never married or lived in public violation of chas- tity. Physical virginity is required unless it has been lost through some involuntary act such as rape or incest. • Given that the ritual consecration is irrevocable, a candidate for the Rite of Consecration must give assur- ance of her ability to persevere in a life of virginity in the service of Christ and His Church. • The person applying to be accepted as a candidate should have spent the minimum of one year in spiritual direction and discernment of the various states of life prior to beginning formation toward being a conse- crated virgin. • Applicants requesting admission as a candidate for formation toward becoming a consecrated virgin must have the recommendation of either their pastor or a spiritual director. • Because of the maturity required for this state of life and since the consecrated virgin is a public person in the Church, the candidate will undergo a psy- chological evaluation prior to being admitted to formation for the purpose of judging the matu- rity of the person and areas requiring further growth. • The Admission Committee interviews a candidate and makes a recommendation to the Bishop. • The candidate must accept the responsibility for her own livelihood which includes ade- quate healthcare and be able to demonstrate that she is able to support herself either by work or independent means. • The candidate must mani- fest prudence, fidelity to a spiri- tual plan of life, accept whole- heartedly the teaching of the Catholic faith, and manifest a filial love for the local Church and the Bishop of the Diocese, to whom she will be closely linked as a consecrated virgin. • It belongs to the Bishop of the Diocese both to accept a candidate and to agree to consecrate the candi- date as a Virgin Living in the World. • Upon approving an applicant as a candidate for formation, the Bishop will assign a formation director to the candidate. • The application process and supervision of conse- crated virgins falls under the Office of Vocations, Father Braxton Necaise. For more information, contact Father Necaise at (601) 264-5192 or . To read the handbook, visit . Lorraine Manlolo lies prostrate before the altar in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu April 16 as the Litany of the Saints is prayed over her at her consecration. Manlolo became a “Consecrated Virgin Living in the World” in a ritual led by Bishop Larry Silva of Honolulu. OSV New photo/Dann Ebina, Hawaii Catholic Herald Pray for all those who are suffering from the results of hurricanes, earthquakes, and warm especially Israel and Ukraine. Pray for peace on earth!