Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • January 19, 2024 9 The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the moun- tain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, the worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have com- manded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:16-20). These are our marching orders as a Church. Whether we are a priest, a sister, a brother, a deacon, married, or single, these words, The Great Commission of Jesus, are for each of us! That is what He asks us to do. That is who we are called to be. Frequent reception of the Sacraments also leads us to being open to God’s call in our lives, especially the Most Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession. When we receive Jesus’s Body and Blood, it is a moment for us to share in His Body and Blood and He becomes one with us. It is fantastic! It is Jesus touching our lives and becoming part of us. Inviting Jesus into our lives through the Sacraments allows Him to be one with us and this closeness will help you with your dis- cernment. Another tool for discernment is trust. Trust that the Lord is working in your life. Start in your own heart. Having people in your life who you trust and with whom you can share where you are at in your faith journey is very helpful. Perhaps a Religious sister, a priest, or a faith-filled friend, somebody you can speak to and share how you see God moving in your life. Then let them echo that back to you. I have a spiritual director I meet with on a monthly basis. It gives me a chance to go to confession, and it also gives me a chance to share how the Lord is work- ing in my life, in my prayer life, and in my life as a bishop. I find it very helpful to have someone to walk with in faith who will help fill in the gaps and reflect back what the Lord is doing. There is also a challenge to act on what the Lord is doing and to recognize how He is moving in our lives. Another key to dis- cernment of your voca- tion, is to recognize the fruits of the Holy Spirit and their presence in your life, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gen- erosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22b-23a). Being attentive to the fruit of the Holy Spirit will help you be aware of where and how the Holy Spirit is working in your life and to confirm your decision making. As you draw closer in relationship with the Lord, through prayer, His Word, the Sacraments, and spiritual direction, make a decision and say “YES” to whatever the Lord is calling you to be. Again, it can be married life, single life, religious life, diaconate, or priesthood. Our “YES” will echo throughout our lives most likely for the rest of our lives. Our vocation is meant to be built on the love of Jesus Christ, and once again, we come back to those two great commandments. If we love God with our whole heart and soul and mind and strength, we will be aware of God’s hand moving in our lives and directing us. If we love our neighbor as ourselves, through that action we will receive the grace we need to really know how God is calling us to live out that particular com- mandment. It enables us to see God working in our lives. When we give the gift of love away, it is amazing how it returns to us as such a wonderful blessing. If you are feeling the tug, contact: Fr. Braxton J. Necaise Director of Vocations; (601) 264-5192 SEE BISHOP KIHNEMAN’S COLUMN IN SPANISH, PAGE 6 Bishop’s Column From page 3 Ésa es una de las razones por las que tengo un director espiritual con el que me reúno mensualmente. Me da la opor- tunidad de confesarme pero también me da la oportunidad de compartir cómo el Señor está obrando en mi vida, especial- mente en mi vida de oración pero tam- bién en mi vida como obispo. Es real- mente útil tener a alguien caminando con usted que también pueda llenar los vacíos y reflejarnos lo que el Señor está haciendo en nuestras vidas y desafiarnos a responder y actuar de acuerdo con lo que Él está haciendo en nuestras vidas. La pieza final es tomar una decisión y decir “SÍ” a lo que Él te está llamando a ser. Nuevamente, puede ser vida mat- rimonial, vida de soltero, vida religiosa o sacerdocio. Pueden ser todos esos y ese “SÍ” resonará en nuestras vidas muy probablemente por el resto de nuestras vidas. Todas estas vocaciones deben con- struirse sobre el amor de Jesucristo. Así que, una vez más, volvemos a esos dos grandes mandamientos. Si amamos a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, alma, mente y fuerzas, seremos conscientes de la mano de Dios moviéndose en nuestras vidas y dirigiéndonos. Si amamos a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mis- mos, a través de esa acción recibiremos la gracia que necesitamos para saber realmente cómo Dios nos está llamando a vivir ese mandamiento en particular. Nos permite ver a Dios realmente obran- do en nuestras vidas. Cuando regalamos el regalo del amor, es sorprendente cómo regresa a nosotros como una maravillosa ben- dición. Si siente el tirón, comuníquese con: P. Braxton J. Necaise Director de Vocaciones; (601) 264-5192 Columna del Obispo De la página 6 For the good of the people of God in the Diocese of Biloxi, Bishop Louis F. Kihneman, III, has made the following appointment: Father Chinnappa R. Mark has been appointed as Parochial Administrator of Annunication Parish in Kiln effective January 18.. Given at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Biloxi on January 4, 2024. ? Most Reverend Louis F. Kihneman, III Bishop of Biloxi Official Appointment To advertise in the Gulf Pine Catholic, call 228-702-2109 for more info.