Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • February 16, 2024 15 Ananias Workshop was conducted at St. Joseph Parish, Gulfport, January 26-28, by Deacon Richard Smith with Vigil Mass on Saturday. Deacon Richard Smith led parishioners from St. Joseph Parish in Ananias Training January 26-28. The training is a kick-off to the parish’s year-long initiative on evangelization. The weekend training has ignited a spark in each person who attended with more confi- dence in sharing faith with others. Participants were especially eager to learn how to better encourage those in their own families and other relationships to return to church. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled by the group for February where the participants will meet to share how they have begun to use what they learned with others and where they could use assistance. Ananias Workshop S t . J oseph P arish , G ulfport BY ELIZABETH SHOEMAKE St. Fabian Catholic Church in Hattiesburg com- memorated its tenth anniversary Sunday, January 21. The parish was chartered January 20, 2014, by Bishop Roger Morin with Fr. Tommy Conway appointed as pastor. Under the leadership of Fr. Tommy the church has grown to over 1,000 members since that first Mass at the Lake Serene Clubhouse in Hattiesburg. For the first six years Mass was held at Benedict Day School until phase one of the church’s building plan was com- pleted with the construction of a parish hall where Mass is currently celebrated. When asked what St. Fabian means to her, parishio- ner Randolyn Beilmann, replied, “I always leave with hope.” A standing room only crowd of over 600 parishio- ners gathered for Mass in celebration of the anniversa- ry. Highlights of the event included a Baptism, room dedications and the presentation of a $50,000 check from the Krewe of St. Fabian for the building fund. Two rooms were dedicated to parishioners who have given tireless support of building the parish. The Holland/Lombardo Meeting Room was named for Bill Holland and Frank Lombardo for their dedication and selfless giving of their time as building committee heads. The parish hall’s kitchen was posthumously dedicated to Pam Dalme in honor of the myriad of duties she undertook as an administrator in the early days of the new parish. “Naming our kitchen The Pam Dalme Kitchen is so very special to all of us here at St. Fabian who loved Pam. Since her death, we have learned of so many dif- ferent things that she did for our parish by herself and now we have teams of people doing what she did. She was an extraordinary woman who has left her indelible mark on our church family! She is greatly loved and missed,” said parishioner and volunteer coordinator, Nancy Farris. At the conclusion of Mass the festivities continued with a meal. S t . F abian parish , H attiesburg Above, over 600 parishioners attended St. Fabian Catholic Church’s tenth anniversary celebration. Right, Father Tommy Conway, pastor, led the church in growth of over 1,000 members. Photos/Stephen Coleman Sunday, January 28, Our Mother of Mercy wel- comed three children into the Catholic Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communicants, Josiah Thomas Simmons and Kenley Dedeaux, and baby Luna Kipp. Congratulations and please pray for them as they continue their journeys into discipleship. Photos/AFJ Photography O ur M other of M ercy P arish , P ass C hristian Sacrament of Baptism