Gulf Pine Catholic

16 Gulf Pine Catholic • February 16, 2024 St. Stanislaus hosted its third annual Government Officials Breakfast on Jan. 24. The event was attended by national, state, and local government leaders who gathered for a breakfast and business discussion. The keynote speaker this year was Mike Ezell, the U.S. Representative serving the Fourth District of Mississippi. In his speech, Representative Ezell empha- sized the importance of following one’s calling and shared his own journey from a career in law enforce- ment to serving the citizens of the Fourth District. He encouraged students to pursue their dreams and aspira- tions. Along with Representative Ezell, senior Will Ascherl and junior Sam Favre shared their experiences at St. Stanislaus. The event concluded with a roundta- ble discussion from the mayors of Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, and Waveland, as well as the City Manager of Diamondhead, who spoke about the activities in their respective cities. L-R: Noah Lemmon, Gabe Franco, Josh Hartl, Sam Favre, Representative Mike Ezell, Will Ascherl, Micah Bishop, Heith Shinn, Satvik Kompella Speakers: Junior Sam Farve, left, and Senior Will Ascherl, right. Government Day Breakfast S t . S tanislaus C ollege , B ay S t . L ouis First through sixth grade students at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic School in Long Beach created Illuminated Manuscripts for Catholic Schools Week. They learned about the ancient tradition when school resumed after the Christmas holidays. Each student was given a Psalm verse and then he/she decided how to illuminate it. Most drew the first letter larger than the rest of the verse; some added designs in that letter; and they added “gold” and bright colors to their verse. They used color pencils, markers, gel pens, and some even used paint pens. “The children did a wonderful job with this project. And now we will have our whole main hall filled with God’s word during Catholic Schools Week,” said Tara Meleones, art teacher at St. Vincent. S t . V incent de P aul E lementary S chool , L ong B each Catholic Schools Week Sixth graders Addison Bishop and Massey Jane Pace First graders, Grayson Niolet and Lane Brown Second graders, Jacob Robin, Addy Whitman, and Braxton Ulrich In the heart of Hattiesburg, the Sacred Heart Catholic School mock trial teams, Alpha and Omega, have demonstrated exceptional legal prowess and criti- cal thinking skills at the regional level. As they gear up for the state competition in Jackson on March 1 and 2, both teams are poised to leave an enduring mark on the Mississippi High School Mock Trial Program. The Alpha Team, displaying excellent courtroom ability, clinched their spot at the state competition after a stellar performance at regionals. Their commanding presence, meticulous preparation, and eloquent argu- mentation propelled them past their opponents, secur- ing their position as one of the top contenders. The Omega Team, as the alternate team, proved their spirit and readiness to step into the spotlight if called upon. Their dedication did not go unnoticed, as they now stand as the reliable second line of defense, ready to seize the opportunity to compete at the state level. The success of these teams goes beyond just win- ning competitions; it reflects the school’s dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with criti- cal thinking, public speaking, and teamwork skills. Mock Trial participants not only learn about the legal system but also gain invaluable life skills that will serve them well in any future endeavors. The upcoming state competition promises to be fierce, with teams from across Mississippi converging in Jackson to showcase their legal insight. Sacred Heart Catholic School, with both Alpha and Omega teams in attendance, is poised to make a substantial impact. The school community, parents, and faculty mem- bers are rallying behind Alpha and Omega, recognizing the hard work and dedication these students and coach- es have invested in preparing for the state competition. As the state competition approaches, the teams stand as shining examples of determination, teamwork, and intellectual talent. Win or lose, their journey has been one of growth, learning, and camaraderie -- qualities that will undoubtedly shape their future successes, both in and out of the courtroom. S acred H eart C atholic S chool , H attiesburg Mock Trial teams, Alpha and Omega, shine at Regionals, gear up for state competition