Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • March 1, 2024 15 We love our close connections with Our Lady Academy. The OLA girls recently visited the Holy Trinity campus as part of their Sisterhood Service Project. They helped students and teachers in various ways, including making props in art class, listening to early readers, helping first graders take AR tests, and helping third graders with multiplication facts. OLA girls visit Holy Trinity Krewe of Knights hosted its annual Mardi Gras parade with King Waylon Beach and Queen Lola Murray presiding over the festivities. This annual parade is filled with family fun and draws quite a large crowd. Students in grades Pre-K1 through 6th grade walked the route showering parade-goers with coveted beads, cups, and trinkets. Mardi Gras H oly T rinity C atholic S chool , B ay S t . L ouis N ativity BVM S chool , B iloxi Celebrate Your Community Above, tudents from Nativity BVM School pose with their donations! Throughout Catholic Schools Week, students were encouraged to celebrate certain aspects of being Catholic and their faith. Celebrate Your Community is a day aimed at demonstrating the importance of service and caring for others above self. For the second year in a row, Nativity BVM Catholic Elementary School chose to adopt the Gulf Coast Center for Nonviolence as its recipient for Celebrate Your Community Day . Throughout the week, students collected various sup- plies that the Center uses directly to help those that need them most. Detergent, towels, bedding, toiletries were collected, along with over $200. Students were encouraged to prepare for the upcoming Lenten season by recognizing and understanding the importance of charity and almsgiving. Stacey Riley, CEO of the cen- ter, was excited to receive these much needed items. Nativity BVM School is proud to continue its partner- ship with the Gulf Coast Center for Nonviolence and is thankful to all of the school families for their donations to this important cause! Below, Nativity Principal Traci Kessler presents a check and donations to CEO, Stacey Riley, along with other employees from the Gulf Coast Center for Nonviolence. S t . A lphonsus C atholic S chool , O cean S prings At St. Alphonsus Catholic School, one of our Lenten tra- ditions is praying The Stations of the Cross devotion as a school family on Friday afternoons, providing students in Kindergarten through sixth grade time to pray and reflect on Jesus’ last day on Earth.