Gulf Pine Catholic

18 Gulf Pine Catholic • March 1, 2024 St. Alphonsus Catholic School recently held its annual Science Fair. By participating in the fair, students learned about the scientific method and applied their critical thought across various categories of inquiry. They designed an experiment, collected data, organized their findings, and shared their conclusions with the judges. The students who placed will be headed to the Regional Science Fair in a few weeks. Annual Science Fair S t . A lphonsus C atholic S chool , O cean S prings On February 3, Kaden Nichols, fifth grader from Nativity BVM and Philomene Kirk, sixth grader, from Our Lady of Fatima won the Elks Hoop Shoot State Free-throw contest! Kaden shot 17 out of 25 and Philomene shot 19 out of 25. Both will move on to the regional competition to be held in Valdosta, GA, on March 16. We would like to thank Craig Huch and Rocky Sentell for this opportunity. Prayers for a safe trip to Georgia! Good Luck and God Bless! Elks Hoop Shoot State Free-Throw N ativity BVM C atholic S chool / O ur L ady of F atima , B iloxi The Our Lady of Fatima St. Sebastian Society and National Honor Society joined together to deliver 100 roses to the residents at the Brookdale Assisted Living Home. The highlight of the trip was the opportunity to visit with our retired priests, Monsignor McGough and Father White (inset)! O ur L ady of F atima P arish S chool , B iloxi Students share Valentine’s joy and love H oly T rinity C atholic S chool , B ay S t . L ouis Holy Trinity students who best displayed the virtue of gentleness were awarded Knight of the Month for January. These outstanding students received a liter of Coke, a sports bottle, certificate, and a yard sign to proudly display their achievement. Recipients include (back row, l-r): Owen Shubert, third grade; AubreeMladinich, fourth grade;MacyVollenweider, sixth grade; Truitt Ladner, sixth grade; Kyleigh Johnson, fifth grade; Jase Lichtenstein, third grade; (front row, l-r): Hattie Alexander, Kindergarten; Gideon Garcia, second grade; Clark Garcia, fourth grade; Lila Kapidzic, first grade; and Pearl Birch, second grade. Not pictured are Ellie Marisco, Kindergarten; and Amelia Talley, first grade. January Knight of the Month