Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • March 29, 2024 15 Today, Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church welcomed Tiffany Lizana and her Girl Scout Troop 4608 to Mass as they celebrated National Girl Scout Sunday! Please keep them in your prayers as they do awesome things that show Girl Scout Power! National Girl Scout Sunday O ur M other of M ercy P arish , P ass C hristian K nights of C olumbus Knight of the Month Fr. Harry Wade Council 7910 Fr. Harry Wade Knight’s of Columbus Council #7910 of St. Joseph parish, Gulfport, announced the Knight of the month for March, Jerry Schmuck, pictured with Grand Knight Dennis Nowell. The Hispanic ministry of St. Alphonsus Parish in Ocean Springs held an evangelization retreat in Spanish “Come and See.” (John 1:39) at the Visitation Monastery in Mobile. Thirty men attended the retreat. Father Sergio Balderas and the team designed this day- and-a-half retreat, which was structured in four steps “Seek for Jesus, Learn to be a disciples, Stay with Jesus, and Go-mission and Evangelize.” The team members are: Jesus Martinez, Cirilo Vega and the three deacon candidates: Elmer Hernandez, Walter Ascencio and Edgar Flores. Father Sergio wants to thank these five men for believing in this new retreat and presenting it to the community. The next women’s retreat “Come and See” was held March 23-24. Evengelization Retreat ~ “Come and See” (John 1:39) S t . A lphonsus P arish H ispanic M inistry , O cean S prings O ur L ady of P erpetual H elp P arish , L umberton S t . J oseph M ission , P oplarville Happy Birthday Father Fintan… Left, Father Fintan Kilmurray recently celebrated a birthday with parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Lumberton. From l-r, are Adrienne Hoda, Natalie Simmons, and William Hoda. Right, he also celebrated at St. Joseph Mission in Poplarville and is pictured with George Jacob and William Barrois.