Gulf Pine Catholic

18 Gulf Pine Catholic • March 29, 2024 Nativity BVM Cathedral celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph BY KIMBERLY COX RASMUSSEN As Catholics, we love our saints and turn to them for all of life’s ups and downs. There is something exceptionally comforting knowing that in addition to God’s presence, He has blessed and granted numerous individuals to inter- cede on our behalf, if we only turn to them in prayer. Saint Joseph, foster father to Jesus and husband to Mary, is one such saint who carries with him the crown of patron saint of the Universal Church. In addition, Saint Joseph is the patron saint of unborn children, fathers and workers, just to name a few. It should come as no surprise that someone who played such a prolific and crucial role in the life of Jesus Christ is celebrated with fervor and zeal. And ironically, a man known from scripture for his humble role as a carpenter is held in the highest of regards by the Church through his solemnity. St. Joseph’s Day is celebrated on March 19 during the season of Lent. With the Lenten focus on Jesus and His journey to the cross, it speaks of Joseph’s importance that he is cele- brated seasonally alongside his son. As with all saints, the ways in which we choose to honor Joseph vary throughout time, however, the most notable custom is the continued tradi- tion of the St. Joseph’s Altar. Originating in Sicily, the St. Joseph’s Altar is a beautiful tribute to a man whose call to action was heeded and fulfilled with the utmost of care and concern. For those unfamiliar with the origins, the St. Joseph’s Altar began in response to Sicilians’ prayers to St. Joseph, their patron saint, in response to a prolonged period of drought. As crops began to die and the people began to starve, they turned to St. Joseph to intercede for them. Soon after, it began to rain and from there, life began to pros- per again. As an expression of their gratitude, an altar was erected and adorned with food, creating a tradition that would be carried out for hundreds of years to come. By way of Italian immigrants, a practice initiated on the opposite side of the world has made its way throughout the United States and we are lucky to have a number of celebrations within the Diocese of Biloxi. Most notable is the altar and celebration presented by The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral in Biloxi. For many years, a committee of Nativity parishioners has come together to pay tribute to St. Joseph through the display of a St. Joseph’s Altar and a parish luncheon. On March 19, at the Sacred Heart Center, the Solemnity of St. Joseph was celebrat- ed to its fullest. Jeanette Romero and a team of approximately fifteen women, worked tirelessly to erect the three-tiered alter -- a representation of the Holy Trinity -- and adorn it with the traditional staples such as fava beans, sugar coat- ed almonds, fruits, grains and seafood. Other significant items were the loaves of bread, handcrafted and baked in the shape of carpentry tools such as a lad- der and hammer. Small bags, distrib- uted to visitors, contained a special card dedicated to St. Joseph, cookies, bread and a single fava bean. On March 18, Father Mike Austin, along with Father Godfrey Andoh, blessed the altar in the presence of over 100 individuals. The following day, an Italian Mass was held in the Marian Chapel and celebrated by Father Joseph Dilletusso. Following Mass, the annual luncheon took place at the Sacred Heart Center where guests enjoyed shrimp spaghetti prepared each year by Dean Shankland. Over 150 people came to view the altar and break bread together. For Romero,, celebrating and pay- ing tribute to St. Joseph by way of the altar and luncheon is one of her favor- ite events held at Nativity Cathedral. Each year, when unpacking items in preparations for the altar, Romero and her team are humbled by the blessings that St. Joseph has brought throughout the year and their time spent putting this event together is cherished. Nativity Cathedral is grateful to all of the parishioners who worked together, bringing this festive and significant remembrance to its community. It was a beautifully orchestrated celebration and one that the Cathedral is honored to host. Although the solemnity takes place just once a year, we continue to ask that St. Joseph intercede on our behalf. Saint Joseph, pray for us. St. Joseph Altar at Nativity BVM Cathedral. Nativity BVM Cathedral Rector Father Godfrey Andoh, left, and Father Mike Austin, right, are pictured with the ladies who built the St. Joseph Altar.