Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • April 12, 2024 5 MORE THAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS We are Professional Remembrance Planners Explore the many unique ways to honor and celebrate lives. Call or visit Bradford O’Keefe today. BRADFORD-O’KEEFE FUNERAL HOMES Professional. Compassionate. Dignified. 228-374-5650 • Opening Remarks -- Story: The headline of an article in Christianity Today magazine read, “Book Uncovers a Lonely, Spiritually DesolateMother Teresa.” It refers to the book, “Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light” a collection of her personal letters revealing struggles of the dark night of the soul. While convinced that God had called her to care for the diseased and dying, Mother Teresa admitted that most of the time, she did not feel the presence of Jesus when she prayed and served in ministry. Despite this, she persisted against being stuck in feelings and made her life and ministry an act of faith. She prayed daily for one hour before the Blessed Sacrament, gave her all to people to whom she ministered, and saw God’s will as greater than her personal feelings or conveniences and acting in faith to be used for God’s glory. What about you? Our Church offers many ministry opportunities, such as prayer, service, administration, evangelization, and acts of charity, that need someone to take them on. Sure, sometimes we do not feel like saying ‘yes’ to God’s call. But acting in faith may be just what we need to grow in intimacy with God, have our hearts and minds conform to God’s will, and nurture a deeper, more lasting faith. Repent: The Book of Acts shows how radically the disciples’ lives changed because of their encounter with the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. In today’s first reading, Peter, in his post-Pentecost speech, identifies Jesus as the suffering servant reminiscent of the days of Isaiah. But that was a stumbling block to Peter’s Jewish audience, whose expectation of Messiah was a warrior who would destroy their enemies and restore political rule to Israel. They even refused to believe the testimony of eyewitnesses. Their rejection was predicated on a narrow expectation that left no room for faith over feeling. Although Jesus, as God incarnate, is a truth that should have been embraced and acted on, He did not look or feel right to them, so they rejected Him. What about you? By faith, will you accept the Church’s centuries-old teaching on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and act intentionally as His disciple? The closing line in today’s reading is, “Repent and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away.” Pope Paul VI explained conversion as a change of heart that will make us see and do many things. First, it has to do with an interior analysis that asks, What direction is my life going? What attitude is usually dominant in the way I think and act? Will I resist until the ‘feeling is right’ or act in faith on what the Church proclaims as truth? Trust in God: Psalm 4 ( A Psalm of David ) reflects the Palmist’s experience of trusting God as savior and contrasts with a warning to those who play it safe or out of fear risk trusting God totally. God, the Palmist explains, intervenes in favor of the faithful. That trust, he continues, puts gladness into the heart, gives peace, and provides security from enemies. T.R.U.S.T., True Resolve Under Severe Testing. It is not a long-shot wish against all odds but an action based on foundational teachings of our faith and has its evidence in the lives of many saints and martyrs who have gone before us. Sacramental Encounter: Today’s Gospel opens with the reminder of Jesus’ encounter on the Emmaus Road with two disciples and how He was made known to them in the breaking of bread. We encounter the same risen Christ when we assemble in Eucharistic celebration to break open the scriptures and share the bread. From this sacramental encounter, Christ strengthens our faith, opens our minds to understanding, and sends us to be witnesses. Changed lives will increase our certainty, and certainty will lead to action -- just as it did for our first-century Christian ancestors. Love Acts: Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est ( God is Love ), contains a timeless message whose transforming power never diminishes and bears repeating. In it, Benedict states, “Love is no longer a mere ‘command’; it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us.” Perfect love was graphically displayed on Calvary’s cross and continues to be manifested by our Advocate, Jesus Christ, through the forgiveness of sins. Our response in faith is to be joyful bearers of such good news. St. John writes, “The way we may be sure that we know Him is to keep His commandments. Those who say, “I know Him but do not keep His commandments are liars, and truth is not in them” (1 John 2:4-5). Keeping the commandments means accepting all revelation with docility, identifying our lives with Christ, teaching what He taught, persevering in helping even those who show no appreciation, praying for your enemies, and resisting the tendency to allow ‘feelings’ to limit faith activity. Closing Comments: As Catholics, actively participating in Mass and the sacramental life at least weekly supports our faith in Jesus’ Eucharistic presence, the truth of the Scriptures proclaimed, and our mission as disciples of Christ to the people God brings into our lives. Faith in action must overcome our moods and feelings, as most parishes offer ample opportunity and training in active discipleship. Consult your parish priest or deacon for guidance on living a fuller Catholic life. Easter joy, peace, and assurance should be our normal attitude. Deacon Ralph Torrelli lives in Hattiesburg and is assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Visit his website: 1st Reading: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19 Responsorial Psalm: 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 2nd Reading: 1 John 2:1-5a Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 Third Sunday of Easter Faith or feelings? Deacon Torrell i Sunday Scripture Commentaries Pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the Diocese of Biloxi by visiting