Gulf Pine Catholic

8 Gulf Pine Catholic • April 12, 2024 Father Sebastian’s latest book focuses on roots of our beloved prayers BY DAVID TISDALE GREENVILLE, MS -- To help Catholics and other Christians keep prayer from becoming mere routine, a former Diocese of Biloxi priest offers in his latest book in invitation to how to better understand and contem- plate our devotions to the Holy Trinity through his deep examination of their genesis. Father Sebastian Myladiyil, SVD, a former pastor of St. Rose de Lima Parish in Bay St. Louis who served there during Hurricane Katrina, recently published Why We Pray What We Pray , described as a “spiritual jour- ney of prayer, silence and aspiration” in which he examines the prayers Christians hold dear and recite in times of worship, gratitude, contrition, and in despair. He looks closely at the historical and theological foun- dations and significations of The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, The Way of the Cross, The Rosary, the Mass, Lectio Divina among others, further clarifying the con- cepts in which they are grounded so they become even more relatable and meaningful to us. “The more I understand the words, actions, emo- tions, and feelings that are attached to a particular prayer, the better it helps me to engage in it,” Father Sebastian said of Why We Pray What We Pray . “That is why I have tried to explain prayer here by looking at its meaning, historical origins, scriptural basis, and theo- logical significance. I hope readers find these beneficial as well and come to engage in prayer in an intentional manner.” Why We Pray What We Pray invites readers to look at the whole of the narrative of The Word through the many prayers connecting us to it. In an excerpt from the book, referencing the Hail Mary, Father Sebastian writes: “In our prayer, we make these beautiful words of Elizabeth our own. Today, we recognize Mary as the most blessed woman in history due to her faithful acceptance of God’s plan and her willingness to fulfill it perfectly. The phrase emphasizes the lessons we can learn from Mary’s life and her response to God’s plan. It teaches us the value of faithful acceptance of God’s purpose, humility, and obedience. We are encouraged to recognize and celebrate the blessings in the lives of others, trust in God’s perfect timing, and utilize the power of prayer to seek spiritual support and guidance. In essence, Mary’s story inspires us to align our lives with God’s will, embrace His plan, and appreciate the blessings in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.” In discussing the inspirations for his latest book, Father Sebastian says he values prayer and its power, and hopes what he is written also inspires more medita- tive and reflective moments. “It [prayer] is the force that guides and strengthens my life,” Father Sebastian explained. “It helps me to deepen my relationship with my God as I see those moments as special times between me and the One I love -- God. It is also the glue that holds life together when things seem difficult and chal- lenging. “I truly experience the power of prayer when I intentionally engage in it and actively lead or par- ticipate in it. For the words of a prayer to become meaningful and the feelings to become real, I must immerse and involve myself totally in it -- my body, soul, mind, and heart.” Father Sebastian credits first his parents and a fam- ily atmosphere he says helped him value the impor- tance of prayer, and later his educational formation in the seminary and daily service as a priest. “The seminary formation and my life as a priest is centered around prayer and spirituality,” he further noted. “The celebration of the sacraments and other liturgical functions are powerful moments of prayer, and the greatest of such moments is the celebration of the Eucharist -- the greatest form of prayer. “As a priest, I am also blessed to be part of some of the most significant moments in the life of my parish- ioners as well as others in the community, such as through baptism, Holy Communion, matrimony, anointing of the sick, and funerals. These moments may be joyful or painful, and prayer has a way of enhancing those joyful moments or offering comfort to those experiencing pain and difficulties. In the period after Katrina, there were certainly moments of hope and love in action.” The practice of deep contemplative, meditative, intentional prayer can, Father Sebastian believes, can utilize one’s heart and mind in ways we may not have previously consid- ered. “[Prayer] can help in getting in touch with one’s emotions and feel- ings and see them in the light of the Word of God,” Father Sebastian said. “One is able to get in touch with one’s deep- est being when one is removed from the dis- tractions of the world and is able to focus on the source of one’s existence -- God.” Father Sebastian This is the cover of “Why We Pray What We Pray” by Father Myladiyil, SVD. It is available on Amazon. In a world marred by violence, war, chaos, and social upheaval -- events and conditions not new to humankind -- prayer is our best defense against these forces, Father Sebastian contends. “Every age has its own challenges, and when we face them for the first time, they might seem to be the greatest of all,” he said. “We are living in a digital age, and we think they pose certain challenges to faith. But I am sure our ancestors in the early industrial age or scientific age thought those [challenges facing them] to be the greatest challenges as well. I am not minimizing the challenges the modern world is presenting to our faith, but God is still in charge, and everything happens for a reason.” With that philosophy in mind, Father Sebastian says he firmly believes in the words of the Apostle Paul when he said: “All things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28) , and, further noting, “When challenges mount, it only helps me to actively seek the source of my strength -- God -- and the process I use is prayer.” SEE WHY WE PRAY WHAT WE PRAY, PAGE 9