Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • April 12, 2024 9 Father Sebastian is currently serving as pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Greenville, MS; St. Francis Church in Shaw, MS; and Sacred Heart Church in Rosedale, MS. A native of India, he is a member of the Society of the Divine Word (Latin -- Societas Verbi Divini , SVD), also known as DivineWord Missionaries, and has been serving the SVD’s U.S. Southern Province since 1999. He holds master’s degrees in moral theology from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA, and in educational leadership and counselling from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. His other works include His Instruments; His Instruments -- If God Could Use Them He Can Use Us and Blown Together -- The Trials and Miracles of Katrina , along with a translation of His Instruments into Spanish, Sus Instrumentos. Why We Pray What We Pray is available on Amazon at . For more information about Why We Pray , including to secure a personalized copy, con- tact Father Sebastian at Why We Pray What We Pray From page 8 ► St. Joseph Parish, Gulfport, Aug. 3, Drawdown ~ St. Joseph Parish announces its 2024Annual Drawdown & Silent Auction on Sat., Aug. 3, 5 p.m. An evening of dinner, drinks & Silent Auction. A $50 ticket admits one adult over the age of 21. A $100 ticket admits two adults. Add $20 insurance to a $100 ticket for a second chance at winning the grand prize of $10,000. Tickets are available online at www.stjosephcc. com, in our parish office and after Masses. For more info, contact the parish office at (228) 832-3244. ► Oct. 28-Nov. 11, Pilgrimage to Portugal, France & Spain ~ Please join Fr. Dominic Pham & Paula Spears for an Iberian Peninsula Pilgrimage to Portugal, France, & Spain. Please contact Paula Spears at (228) 697-7814 or email at for details of this amazing trip from Oct. 28-Nov. 11 in 2024. Some highlights include: Lourdes, Fatima, Madrid, Santarem, Toldeo, Barcelona, Oviedo, Way of St. James, Porto & Torrelavega. Bulletin Board From page 2 SCHOOL EVENTS ► St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, May 29-31, Basketball Camps ~ Boys & girls aged 5-18 are invited to join our summer basketball camps. Our Little Dribblers Camp is for boys & girls aged 5-10 & will take place from Wed., May 29-Fri., May 31, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The camp focuses on teaching fundamental skills, fostering teamwork, & developing a passion for the game. Our Elite Day Camp is for boys & girls aged 12-18 & will take place from Wed., May 29-Fri., May 31, 1-4 p.m. This program provides rigorous training, strategy, & high-level competition to improve skills. The camps will be led by varsity basketball coach Daniel Grieves & his staff. To register for either camp or find out more information, please visit: athletics/rock-camp/. ► St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, June 17-20, Baseball Skills Camp ~ St. Stanislaus is hosting a baseball skills camp for boys & girls aged 5-10. The camp will focus on teaching the fundamentals of base- ball, including hitting, fielding, throwing, position play, & base running. The camp will be led by Brad Corley, the varsity baseball coach, & his team. The camp will be held from Mon., June 17-Thurs., June 20, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. If you are interested in registering or obtaining more information, please visit rock-camp/. ► St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, June 24 & 25, Baseball Hitting Camp ~ St. Stanislaus is organiz- ing a baseball hitting camp for boys & girls aged 8-14. Our expert coaches will provide personalized training YOUTH EVENT ► Alexandria, LA, June 21-22, Steubenville South Youth Conference ~ Rising ninth-twelvth graders won’t want to miss out on the pow- erful Steubenville conference expe- rience in Alexandria, LA June 21-22. For complete information and registration see the posters, scan this QR Code , or contact Renee Lichtenhan at to help campers master the art of hitting. The camp will be led by varsity baseball coach Brad Corley & his team. It will take place on Mon., June 24 & Tues., June 25, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. To learn more about the camp and to register, please visit ► St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, June 29, Basketball Shooting Camp ~ Boys & girls aged 12-18 are invited to our camp dedicated to the art of shooting. The camp will take place on Sat., June 29, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Our specialized camp offers targeted instruction, cutting-edge techniques, & personalized feedback to refine your shooting skills to perfection. The camps will be led by varsity basketball coach Daniel Grieves and his staff. To register or find out more information, please visit It might seem small, but you never know how this might affect our less fortunate brothers and sisters out. This last year many parishioners from Holy Family Parish in Pass Christian, Holy Trinity Elementary School in Bay St. Louis, and St. Patrick High School in Biloxi donated very generously to our ministry. Thanks be to God we were able to meet our goal from this past year of handing out 500 plus bags to those in need. With this being said we are now running low on supplies to hand out for this year. At my last count we have just 88 bags left at the Catholic Charity warehouse to hand out. We are asking, or maybe begging as St. Francis of Assisi did for alms for the poor. I am asking for dona- tions for these bags. Here is what is needed: non-perishable food and not expired tuna, crackers, chips, canned food that can be easily opened, snacks in bags high in fat or protein, bottled water, socks, Catholic literature, Rosaries, tiny soap, tiny shampoo, combs, deodorant, women’s hygiene products, Bandaids, Neosporin, and pens or pencils. Our ministry is asking that you please say interces- sory prayers for all of these people who have fallen on hard times. As we pass at our bags, we always say God bless you when we hand out our bags. God bless you if you feel so called to donate to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. If you want to donate, please contact me at (228) 437-0003 or ricky- . I will leave you all with Matthew 25:35-40: “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, a stranger and you wel- comed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. Then the righteous will answer Him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Starfish Story From page 7