Gulf Pine Catholic

14 Gulf Pine Catholic • May 10, 2024 “When Father Pat came to Mississippi, he couldn’t swim and part of the IronMan Triathlon was a 2.3 mile swim,” said Father Conway. “He learned to swim at the Southern Miss Natatorium, where where he was taught by Mike Giles.” Father O’Shaughnessy competed in the IronMan Triathlon to raise money for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, which claimed the lives of his brother and sister. He was also one of the original organizers of the State Farm/Archie Manning Cystic Fibrosis Golf Classic. As young man, Father O’Shaughnessy was an accomplished rugby player. “He would have played rugby for Ireland, which was a huge honor, except God was calling him to the priesthood,” said Father Conway. “So, at 18 years of age, he told his coach he was going to the seminary and his coach said, ‘What a waste.’’ However, the Irish rugby team’s loss became Mississippi’s gain, as reflected in his nearly 56 years of priestly ministry. “His priesthood was such a gift to the people of Mississippi,” said Bishop Louis F. Kihneman III, who was principal celebrant for Father O’Shaughnessy’s Mass of Christian Burial April 30 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Long Beach. Bishop Kihneman touched on the many relation- ships Father Pat established with people in South Mississippi and beyond. “All of you here have a special memory of Father Pat,” said Bishop Kihneman. “I have special memo- ries of him also. Some of them were when he came to my office and was ready to give me a piece of his mind, which he did. I truly loved him for that because I knew where he stood.” On a serious note, the bishop said, “When we come to the Eucharist, it’s special for us priests and it is an opportunity for us to share the love of Jesus Christ that we all have in our hearts as priests with the people.” “That, in the end, was at the center of Father Pat’s life,” said Bishop Kihneman. “He truly believed in the Eucharist and he truly believed that the Body and Blood of Christ were being given to the faith community to be brought to the whole world. It was part of his missionary spirit coming from Ireland and serving his entire priest- hood here in Mississippi. He gave us a great gift. It’s such a blessing for us to share and celebrate that gift of his life.” On April 29, there was a visitation at Father O’Shaughnessy’s home in Long Beach. Another Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated that same morning at St. Fabian in Hattiesburg. A Mass of Christin Burial was celebrated in Ireland on Friday, May 3. Father O’Shaughnessy was laid to rest in Loughill Graveyard, Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland. Father O’Shaughnessy From page 1 A young Pat O’Shaughnessy, left, is pictured during his seminary days with three unidentified classmates. Father Pat O’Shaughnessy, NFL Hall of Famer Bart Starr, and Father Tommy Conway visit in Green Bay. Father Pat O’Shaughnessy successfully completed the IronMan Triathlon in Hawaii in 1989.