Gulf Pine Catholic

6 Gulf Pine Catholic • May 24, 2024 These services are designed to address immedi- ate needs and empower individuals on their journey towards stability and self-sufficiency. By addressing the various aspects of those with- out homes, Mercy Cross Center and its partners strive to not only meet immediate and basic needs but to also work towards long-term solutions that empower individuals to rebuild their lives and rein- tegrate into society. The impact of such a center extends beyond individuals, benefiting the commu- nity by fostering compassion, providing an opportu- nity for healing and assistance to some of the most vulnerable in our community, and improving overall quality of life. The services at Mercy Cross Center will be needs-based-driven meaning that services will be provided that will help individuals on their journey to return to being active members of society. Center staff will work to either provide the services needed or establish a partnership with a provider to come to the Center to meet with the person in need. The Mercy Cross Center is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those who are with- out a home, supporting those in need, and ultimately decrease the number of individuals in our local com- munity who are without housing. This is not a per- manent residence for people, but a fay center. This fay center will enable folks to find healing and learn the skills they need to move to finding work and a more-permanent housing situation.  Our intention is to minister to the whole person -- mind, body and spirit. Our goal is to provide a drug and alcohol-free facility that is a safe place for the neediest of our neighbors to move towards stability and find their place in society. I encourage volunteers to get involved in this most worthwhile ministry, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Loaves and Fishes currently serves breakfast and lunch three times a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) and is looking to expand to four days a week. There is a need for doctors and nurses and your help would be greatly appreciated. We are also looking for people who are willing to mentor or to walk with folks to get to know them and let them know they are loved. As we embark on this exciting journey, we will need much help from the community. In addition to volunteers, we also need donations of gently-used, clean clothing, hygiene items, laundry items, sleep- ing bags, etc., and especially your prayers. For more information and ways to get involved, please contact Pam Leach at . The people who will be ministered to at the Mercy Cross Center are those who are on the extreme periphery of society. It is our prayer and our hope that we will enable them to transition into society and learn that they are not alone and that they are loved by God through us. “And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40) Everyone is invited to join us for the blessing of Mercy Cross Center as we embark on this important mission to serve and uplift our brothers and sisters most in need. Please RSVP by emailing rsvp@bilox- . Date: May 28, 2024 at 10:00 am Location: 390 Crusaders Drive, Biloxi To donate to this ministry, please use the QR code or visit SEE BISHOP’S SPANISH COLUMN, PAGE 4 Bishop’s Column From page 3 Columna del Obispo en Español De la página 4 A medida que nos embarcamos en este emocio- nante viaje, necesitaremos mucha ayuda de la comu- nidad. Además de voluntarios, también necesitamos donaciones de ropa limpia y en buen estado, artícu- los de higiene, artículos de lavandería, sacos de dormir, etc., y especialmente sus oraciones. Para obtener más información y formas de participar, comuníquese con Pam Leach en pleach@biloxidio- . Las personas a las que se ministrará en el Mercy Cross Center son aquellas que se encuentran en la periferia extrema de la sociedad. Es nuestra oración y nuestra esperanza que les permitamos hacer la transición a la sociedad y aprender que no están solos y que Dios los ama a través de nosotros. “Y el rey les responderá: En verdad os digo que todo lo que hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis” (Mateo 25:40) Todos están invitados a unirse a nosotros para recibir la bendición del Mercy Cross Center mien- tras nos embarcamos en esta importante misión de servir y elevar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas más necesitados. Confirme su asistencia enviando un correo electrónico a . Fecha: 28 de mayo de 2024 a las 10:00 horas Ubicación: 390 Crusaders Drive, Biloxi Para donar a este ministerio, utilice el código QR o visite cc-homeless Pray for all those who are suffering from the results of hurricanes, earthquakes, and war, especially Ukraine & Israel. Pray for peace on earth!