Gulf Pine Catholic

20 Gulf Pine Catholic • June 7, 2024 O ur M other of S orrows P arish , B iloxi S t . J oseph P arish , G ulfport M ay C rowning B lessed S eelos P arish , B iloxi Blessed Seelos Parish celebrated the crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 5. Laila Adams crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also pictured is her father, Phillip Adams. C hrist the K ing M ission , L atimer H oly S pirit P arish , V ancleave On Sunday, May 12, Mother’s Day, the children of Christ the King Mission in Latimer, left, processed in to present flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Peyton Scott, right, who had recently received First Communion carried the crown for the Blessed Mother. On Sunday, May 12, Mother’s Day, the children of Holy Spirit in Vancleave, at left, processed in to present flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Noah Fletcher, right, carried the crown to be placed on the Blessed Mother’s head. Our Mother of Sorrows celebrated the crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 5. Mary Frances Matthews, a visitor from Thibodaux, Louisiana, crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary. Youth at St. Joseph Parish, Gulfport, crowned statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary after Mass on May 5. S t . R ose de L ima P arish , B ay S t . L ouis Jardyn Forte, sophomore at Our Lady Academy; Erionne Whavers, sophomore at Bay High School; and Jaelyn Harris, eighth grader at Pass Christian Middle School presented flowers to the Blessed Mother and to St. Rose de Lima, our patron Saint. Jardyn Forte crowned the Blessed Mother.