Gulf Pine Catholic

22 Gulf Pine Catholic • June 7, 2024 In honor of the National Eucharistic Revival, Nativity Cathedral held a Eucharistic procession at the First Communion Mass celebrated on May 5. Twenty youth from Nativity Elementary School and the East Biloxi CCD program received the sacrament. At the end of Mass, the first communicants and their families, the Nativity school choir, and members of the congregation, processed around the church with the Blessed Sacrament. Representatives from the Knights of Columbus helped with the procession. First Communion Mass Eucharistic procession N ativity BVM S chool , B iloxi The Our Lady of Fatima School Grandparents Club hosted Muffins with Mom on May 10. It was a wonderful event attended by 200 students and their moms. Muffins with Mom O ur L ady of F atima S chool , B iloxi S t . P atrick C atholic H igh S chool , B iloxi Senior Walk at St. Alphonsus School St. Patrick High School’s graduating class of 2024 had their Senior Walk and lunch at St. Alphonsus. St. Alphonsus alumni had the chance to visit their elementary school and share memories of their years there. St. Stanislaus hosted a special event called Rock Night to welcome new students who will be joining our school community in the fall of 2024. This event is an opportunity for new students to connect and have fun as they embark on their new educational journey. Rock Night featured a variety of events and activities, including a welcome message from President Brother Barry Landry and Principal Gary Blackburn. Afterward, a panel discussion was led by current parents and students who shared their expe- riences at Saint Stanislaus. The evening ended with a formal introduction of each new Rock-A-Chaw. L-R: Henry Ferguson, Harrison Ferguson, and George Pappas Rock Night S t . S tanislaus C ollege , B ay S t . L ouis On Saturday and Sunday, May 11-12, Sacred Heart Parish celebrated the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, and with this solemnity, they also celebrated all the mothers of Sacred Heart Parish. The Sacred heart family prayed for all the mothers, living and deceased, for those who are spiritual mothers, and for those who have lost a child. The mothers received a small token of appreciation to remind them how much they are loved and how important they are. Happy Mother ’ s Day! S acred H eart P arish , P ascagoula Mother’s Day