Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • August 16, 2024 3 BY BISHOP LOUIS F. KIHNEMAN III Bishop of the Diocese of Biloxi Bishop Louis F. Kihneman III sat down with Terry Dickson for an inter- view in Indianapolis on July 19 to discuss the 10th National Eucharistic Congress and how the Diocese of Biloxi will approach the third and final year of Eucharistic Revival, the Year of Mission. GPC -- What is going through your mind as you take in the sights, sounds, and entire atmosphere of this 10th National Eucharistic Congress? Bishop -- I have been deeply touched by the faith that I have seen and the tre- mendous devotion to our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist. It is palpable. Each of the Masses, whether they have taken place in Lucas Oil Stadium or the Indianapolis Convention Center, has been a celebration filled with the love of Christ. It has just been a joy to be here. GPC -- Can you share some memora- ble moments or encounters that have particularly touched you during the Congress? Bishop -- I was moved by a couple of the speakers and, of course, the first night, when the pilgrims from the four different routes of the National Eucharistic Pilgrim- Bishop Kihneman distributes Holy Communion during the youthMas- son June 20 at the Indianapolis Convention Center. Photo Juliana Skelton Q and A with Bishop Kihneman from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis age entered Lucas Oil Stadium. To see their faith and their joy, but also to see the joy and faith of the 50,000 people in that stadium, was just incredible. When the bishops of the United States set this whole Eucharistic Revival in motion three years ago, we had an idea of how big it would be, but we did not really have an idea how things would turn out. The pilgrimage going through the Diocese of Biloxi for five days was deeply moving and a great build-up for this moment. We have roughly 240 people from our diocese attending the Congress. I have been able to see most of them. It has been wonderful to see their joy and their commitment to becoming disciples of the Eucharist. I am just very moved, very touched by all of that. I am getting stopped for a prayer or a blessing by people from all over the place everywhere I go here in Indianapolis. This morn- ing, I ran into a couple from Vietnamese Martyrs Parish in Biloxi. It was a pleasant surprise and I was delighted to see them. Then, I met a lady from Indianapolis. She was a dog walker and she wanted to know how things were going at the Congress. I talked to her for a bit and blessed her. It has really been uplifting, to say the least. I think all of the bish- ops are feeling that. GPC -- On the very first night, Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Papal Nuncio to the United States, talked about taking that next step of revival, by sharing the love that is manifested through the Eucharist to everyone we encounter. How do we, as a diocese, take that next step? Bishop -- The Mercy Cross Center in Biloxi, which opened in May, is a big part of it. To reach out to those who are the least among us but also to bring Christ to them. Eventually, we will have Mass at Mercy Cross along with opportunities for prayer and Bible studies. We really are moving in a good direction. SEE BISHOP’S Q AND A, PAGE 7 Aug. 20 Mass, 30th Anniversary of Priesthood, Father Vincent Ajayi, Holy Spirit Parish, Vancleave, 6 p.m. Aug 22 SVDP Visit, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Biloxi, 10:30 a.m. Aug. 22 SVDP Thrift Store Check Presentation, Mercy Cross Center, Biloxi, 2 p.m. Aug 23 Blessing of New Retired Priest Residences, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Biloxi, 2 p.m. Aug. 24 Blessing & Groundbreaking, Vietnamese Martyrs Parish, Biloxi, 9 a.m. Aug. 25 Mass & Pastoral Visit, Holy Trinity Parish, Columbia, 11 a.m. Aug. 27 Discipleship Forum, St. Michael Parish, Biloxi, 9 a.m. Aug. 29 Foundation Meeting, Pastoral Center, Biloxi, 3 p.m. Aug. 30 Memorial Mass & Plaque Dedication for Bishop Howze, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, Biloxi, 9 a.m. Sept. 1 Confirmation & Homecoming, St. Peter Parish, Bassfield, 10 a.m. Gulf Pine Catholic (ISSN No. 0746-3804) August 16, 2024 Volume 41, Issue 26 The GULF PINE CATHOLIC , published every other week, is an official publication of the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi. Editorial offices are located at 1790 Popps Ferry Road, Biloxi, MS 39532. Periodical postage paid at Gulfport, MS. —POSTMASTER— Send address changes to: The GULF PINE CATHOLIC 1790 Popps Ferry Road Biloxi, MS 39532 —PUBLISHER— Most Rev. Louis F. Kihneman —EDITOR— Terry Dickson —PRODUCTION/ ADVERTISING — Shirley M c Cusker —BILLING — Aimee M c Lendon —CIRCULATION— Robin Peeler —PHOTOGRAPHY— Juliana Skelton —OFFICEHOURS— 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday —PHONE NUMBERS— Editor: 228-702-2126 Production/Advertising: 228-702-2109 Billing: 228-702-2127 Circulation: 228-702-2100 Photography: 228-201-2132 —EMAIL— News: Production / Advertising: Billing: Circulation: Photography: —OFFICEAND MAILINGADDRESS — 1790 Popps Ferry Road Biloxi, MS 39532 —WEBSITE— —SUBSCRIPTIONS — Subscription rate is $18 per year. When changing address, renewing or inquiring about a subscription, customer should include a recent address label with old address and new address. Allow three weeks for changes of address. —DEADLINES forAUG. 30— News copy and photos: Due AUG. 20, 4 p.m. Advertising: Completed Ad and/or copy due AUG. 20, 10 a.m. Bishop Kihneman’s Schedule