Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • August 30, 2024 19 St. Alphonsus and Our Lady of Fatima Schools had a combined retreat led by Steve Angrisano, an internationally recognized Catholic composer, presenter and passionate music missionary to lead our retreat. Superintendent Jennifer Broadus also joined us. It was an engaging day filled with prayer, stories, and music. We all left refreshed, fulfilled, and ready to begin the 2024-2025 school year! Combined retreat day S t . A lphonsus C atholic S chool , O cean S prings / O ur L ady of F atima C atholic S chool , B iloxi St. Vincent dePaul students and staff started the school year in an amazing way. After morning drop off, students and teachers got acquainted with each other and the normal morning procedures before they met at the church (Holy Family Parish) for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Then Father Mike Austin -- assisted by Father Don Bosco, Deacon Bill Vrazel and parishioner Moises Espinal -- led a Eucharistic Procession back to the school for a brief period of Adoration. After the students and classroom teachers quietly dismissed back to their classrooms, activity teachers and office personnel followed Father Mike, Father Bosco, Deacon Vrazel, and Espinal as they brought Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to every room. Father Mike blessed each classroom and person in the school. In the preschool classes, Father Mike let the chil- dren touch Jesus in the Monstrance. As the proces- sion left one of the Kindergarten rooms, one of the students exclaimed, “That was awesome!” Religion Coordinator Melinda Fairly said, “This was a perfect way to start school. It set the tone for the kind of year we want to have. Beginning with Adoration and a Eucharistic Procession makes me know this is going to be a great year.” S t . V incent de P aul E lementary S chool , L ong B each First day of school Processing from church to school Blessing Melanie Bishop and Molly Waller’s Pre K 4 year olds Blessing Terri Dedeaux’s first grade class Prayer for Schools Almighty God, thank you for this school community where we can learn, work, and grow together. I pray that you will bless this school in this new school year. Please make this school a place of peace, harmony, and respect for everyone. Please make this school a place of excellence, innovation, and collaboration for everyone. Please make this school a place of faith, service, and mission for everyone. Please help us to use our gifts and talents to honor you and serve others in this school. Amen.