Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • September 13, 2024 13 Father Harry O. Wade Council # 7910 Installation of 2024-2025 officers took place at St. Joseph August 10, following Mass. They are: Grand Knight, Dennis Nowell; Deputy Grand Knight, Ken Fowler; Financial Secretary, Mike Murphy; Treasurer, John Schuerman; Lecturer, Chuck Gurklis; Warden, Herb Smith; Advocate, Lex Tootle; Trustees: Chuck Gurklis, Jer- ry Schmuck, John McDonald; Guards: Ray Deslover and Stephen Denning; Chaplain Father Joseph Uko. District Deputy, John Barnes, installed the of- ficers assisted by David Ames, District Warden and Grand Knight of Bishop Gunn Council. Father Harry O. Wade Council #7910 installs 2024-2025 officers Two councils work together to help someone in need Two Councils working together to help some- one in need. John Barnes of Father Harry O. Ward Council 7910 and John Erhard of Bishop Gunn Council 1583 reinstalled an AC unit into an elderly women’s home who has cancer. K nights of C olumbus Paul R. DePew Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly #2347 installation of officers Former Master Norman McDonald installed the Fourth Degree officers of Paul R. DePew Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly #2347 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Gulfport on August 10. The 2024-25 Officers are: Faithful Navigator, Gerald E. (Jerry) Schmuck; Faithful Comptroller, Michael J. (Mike) Murphy; Faithful Friar, Father Joseph M. Uko; Faithful Captain; William J. (Bill) Mann; Faithful Admiral, Leonard E. (Butch) Plitt; Faithful Purser, Robert De La Hunt; Faithful Pilot, John M. Barnes; Faithful Scribe, John E. Schuerman; Inner Sentinel, Lionel A. (Lex) Tootle; Outer Sentinel, Raymond F. (Ray) De Sloover; One Year Trustee, Herbert G. (Herb) Smith; Two Year Trustee, Charles B. (Chuck) Gurklis; Three Year Trustee, Raymond A. (Ray) Boyce.