Gulf Pine Catholic
Gulf Pine Catholic • October 11, 2024 21 Collection Oct. 19 & 20 A small portion of collection pays for this advertisement. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre The Diocese of Biloxi chapter of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepul- chre of Jerusalem gathered for Mass and dinner with Bishop Kihneman on September 14 on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The group shared a dinner celebration afterwards at Patio 44 in Biloxi. Pictured stand- ing are Sir Ted Longo (section president), Sir Steve Montagnet, Sir Sid De- gan, Bishop Kihneman, Sir Carl Mayeaux, Sir Andrew Koslosky, Sir Matt Powers; seated: Nancy Degan, Dame Brady Powers, Dame Gretchen Ma- yeaux, Margaret Koslosky, Dame Nancy Wiebmer, Dame Angele Boudeaux. Photo/Julian Skelton Lay Carmelite Community Michael Dickinson was received into the Lay Carmelite Community in Ocean Springs by Director Phylis Carlton. Lay Carmelites commit themselves to developing their spirituality according to their charism of prayer, community & ministry. For further information, please contact St. Alphonsus Catholic Church at (228) 875-5419
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