Gulf Pine Catholic

22 Gulf Pine Catholic • October 11, 2024 Cursillo #297 was held September 19-22 at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center at Dedeaux with 34 men attending. The new Cursillistas are: Robert Anderson, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Javier Barquero, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Bob Bateman, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Rich Bechtel, Immaculate Heart of Mary, San Carlos, CA; Lee Bounds, Immaculate Conception, Laurel; Randall Camp, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Gerard (Jerry) Claret, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Johnathan Cooley, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Eric Cooper, St. James, Gulfport; Frank Culpepper, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; William Davey (23), St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; William Davey (47), St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Bobby Davis, St. Peter, Bassfield; Rodrigo Fonseca, Most Holy Trinity, Pass Christian; Daniel Gallizle, St. John the Evangelist, Gulfport; Isaac Garrison, Imma- culate Conception, Laurel; Robert Gaston, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Robert Gutherz, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Ocean Springs; Chris Harris, St. John the Evangelist, Gulfport; Kevin Killegrew, St. John the Evangelist, Gulfport; Thomas Kuehnlein, St. Thomas the Apostle, Long Beach; Michael Long, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; John Mahoney, Our Lady of the Gulf, Bay St. Louis; Ryan McMartray, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Giles Miller, Christ the King, Pleasant Hill, CA; Brett Montague, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Mark Moretti, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Matthew Mumme, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Mike Paternostro, Our Lady of the Gulf, Bay St. Louis; Joseph Peyrefitte, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Jaden Pruitt, St. James, Gulfport; James Smith, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Lawrence Torres, St. Philip Neri, Kenner, LA; and Brandon Tullos, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg. Spiritual Advisors for the weekend were Rev. Mark Ropel, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg, and Deacon Keith Gibson, Nativity BVM, Biloxi. Team members were: Rector, Don McCloskey, St. Clare, Waveland; Co-Rector, Dan Rodenberg, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Zeke Baucum, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Lee Boyette, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Chris Brown, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Phil Frisby, Nativity BVM, Biloxi; Matt Gerald, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hattiesburg; Ricky Nause, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg; Brian Perry, Most Holy Trinity, Pass Christian; Blair Rittiner, Our Lady of the Gulf, Bay St. Louis; Aaron Sand, St. Clare, Waveland; Clay Thames, St. Thomas, Hattiesburg; Grant Tingstrom, St. Clare, Waveland; and Chris Vineyard, Sacred Heart, Hattiesburg. Do you want to experience your faith more deeply and live it in your daily life? To enrich your relationship with God, no matter how strong it may be right now? Are you looking for a com- munity with which to share your faith journey? Do you want to become more confident in and enthusiastic about your faith and in sharing it in the secular world? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then Cursillo is for you. The next women’s and men’s Cursillo Weekends will be announced. Applications for the next Cursillos are available online at www.biloxi- Cursillo #297