Gulf Pine Catholic
Gulf Pine Catholic • October 25, 2024 17 13 See for example these prayers at the time of dying and death als/prayersfor-death-and-dying.cfm. 14 Pope Francis, General Audience , 30 November 2016, ( Libreria Editrice Vaticana ), audiences/2016/documents/papa-francesco_20161130_ udienza-generale.html. Catechism of the Catholic Church , second edition © 2000 LEV-USCCB. Used with permission. Hands: Pablo_K/ iStock/Thinkstock. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Icons: Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce -- www.entypo. com. Used with permission. Copyright © 2017, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. View, download, or order the U.S. bishops’ pro-life materials! Earthly Passing From page 16 Father Joseph K. Mensah has been appointed Parochial Vicar for St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Picayune, effective October 24, 2024. Given at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Biloxi on October 8, 2024. ? Most Reverend Louis F. Kihneman, III Bishop of Biloxi Official Appointments Father Joachim Bilung, SVD, has been appointed Parochial Vicar for St. John the Evangelist Parish effective October 12, 2024. For the good of the people of God in the Diocese of Biloxi, Bishop Louis F. Kihneman, III, has made the following appointments: ► Sacred Heart Parish, D’Iberville, Nov. 16 & 17, Pickleball Tournament ~ Please register to play at the Inaugural Sacred Heart Elementary School Pickleball Tournament Nov. 16 & 17 at Popps Ferry courts!! SPORTS ► LIFT Boy’s Retreat 98, Dedeaux Retreat Center, Nov. 8-10 ~ All 9-12 grade young men are invited to attend this retreat Fri., Nov. 8 through Sun., Nov. 10, at the Dedeaux Retreat Center, 14595 Vidalia Rd., Pass Christian. This weekend is full of fellowship, fun, prayer, testimonies, and more. For more information, contact the Office of Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Biloxi (228) 702-2142. YOUTH MINISTRY ► LIFT Girl’s Retreat 97, Dedeaux Retreat Center, Nov. 15-17 ~ All 9-12 grade girls are invited to attend this retreat Fri., Nov. 15 through Sun., Nov. 17, at the Dedeaux Retreat Center, 14595 Vidalia Rd., Pass Christian. This weekend is full of fellow- ship, fun, prayer, testimonies, and more. For more information, contact the Office of Youth Ministry of the Diocese of Biloxi (228) 702-2142. ► SEARCH Retreat 2025, Dedeaux Retreat Center, Jan. 3-5, 2025 ~ A SEARCH weekend is a Christian life experience. It is peer guided and peer given by a Diocesan youth and adult team. The weekend usually begins on Fri. evenings around 7:30 p.m. & ends Sun. afternoon 4 p.m. It will be held at Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Dedeaux, Pass Christian. Fee for the weekend is $100. A non-refundable $50.00 deposit is required with all applications. Bulletin Board From page 2 Bishop’s Column From page 3 I am especially grateful for the success of the Mercy Cross Center, which would not have been possible without your prayers and generosity. Your support truly makes a difference in the lives of those we serve. Miracles happen every day at the center and are a result of prayerful, compassionate, and generous hearts. With your help we are able to provide a respite from the elements, showers, laun- dry, meals, access to online job searches, and much-needed rest. Most importantly, Mercy Cross guests receive kindness and are treated like humans who have value. Guests have commented that they have never felt as ‘seen’ before as they do at Mercy Cross Center, and many comment that this is the first time they have felt human in a long time. Showing God’s love to those who have not felt it in a long time is the greatest service provided at Mercy Cross Center. Thank you once again for your generosity and compassion. SEE BISHOP’S SPANISH COLUMN, PAGE 4 Lo más importante es que los huéspedes de Mercy Cross reciben amabilidad y son tratados como seres humanos que tienen valor. Los invitados han comentado que nunca antes se habían sentido tan “vistos” como en Mercy Cross Center, y muchos comentan que esta es la primera vez que se sienten humanos en mucho tiempo. Mostrar el amor de Dios a aquellos que no lo han sentido en mucho tiempo es el mayor servicio que se brinda en Mercy Cross Center. Gracias una vez más por su generosidad y compasión. Columna del Obispo De la página 4 For updates on news around the diocese, and from the Vatican and Catholic News Service, Our Sunday Visitor, as well a previous issues of the Gulf Pine Catholic in full color, visit
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