Manataba Messenger

Page 7 Copyright 2022 The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) formerly known as the Colorado River Indian Reservation, was brought into American existence in 1865 when the United States by Act of Congress officially recognized their idea of the captured boundary of the Mohave peo- ple; which is what still exists today although, their original boundaries extended all the way into Mexico. The Colorado River Indian Tribes is now made up of a total of four tribes, the Mohave, Chemehuevi, Hopi and Navajo and enjoys a vibrant cultural community of members, unlike any other tribe. The current tribal population is 4,545 members. The Manataba Messenger is the official publication of the Colorado River Indian Tribes with headquarters and publication address on the Colorado River Indian reservation and within the State of Arizona. As such, it is the publication legally qualified to publish official legal notices as required by law. (A.R.S. 39-201,202,203,204,205). MANATABA MESSENGER (USPS 035-994) is published monthly by the Colorado River Indian Tribes, Mohave Road and 2nd Avenue, Parker, Arizona, 85344, and is a division under CRIT Media & Communications. FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE GIVEN TO OFF RESERVATION TRIBAL MEMBERS ONLY AND ALL CRIT TRIBAL MEMBERS OVER THE AGE OF 50 YEARS OLD REGARDLESS OF RESIDENTIAL LOCATION. Tribal members write a formal request to CRIT Manataba Messenger, c/o Subscriptions 16600 Mohave Road, Parker, AZ 85344, please include your full name, address, contact phone number and tribal identification number. Currently, the newspaper publishes 3,800 per month to the members of the Colorado River Indian Tribes. The Manataba Messenger is proud to be printed on recyclable paper and ink, by a company that is committed to an environmentally safe production process, education, and policy. Editorials and articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, attitude or philosophy of the MANATABA MESSENGER or the Colorado River Indian Tribes. MANATABA MESSENGER does not assume responsibility for unsolicited materials and does not guarantee publication of any content upon submission. MANATABA MESSENGER reserves the right to reject any material or letter submitted for publication. MANATABA MESSENGER reserves the right to refuse, amend, withdraw, or otherwise deal with all ADVERTISEMENTS submitted at their absolute discretion and without explanation. MANATABA MESSENGER does not endorse any product or services accepted as advertisement for the newspaper. All contributions received @: MANATABA MESSENGER 26600 Mohave Road, Parker, AZ 85344 Email: Phone: (520) 238-2969 NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT FULL WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TRIBES OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. ALL VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. Ivy Ledezma Wowasi Wast’e Win Mohave, Fort Mohave, Oglala Lakota Colorado River Indian Tribal Member Publisher/Editor Manatev Kuunaav Kawemny Why the Internet Is A Human Right Many still view the internet as a luxury for those who can afford it, but in the modern era, humans who live without access are prejudiced to the point where their rights are compromised. It should therefore be one of the top priorities of governments everywhere to ensure that all citizens have the means to access the Internet at a realistic price. The Internet should also be seen as a human right because it supports other inalienable rights, such as freedom of expression, where those without access are severely disadvantaged over those who have. Increasingly, the communities in which we interact are moving online. Their lack of access negatively impacts those who cannot interact in online communities or platforms. While these rights were initially recognized in the physical space, the online area is becoming increasingly important as more people gain access to the online space and the possibilities of this space continue to grow. The right to development encompasses several aspects. There are so many examples of businesses that have been started with nothing more than a smartphone. Having access to the Internet as a whole on a reasonably affordable device is one of the cheapest ways of unlocking economic potential. However, the most crucial aspect of Internet access regarding human rights is access to education. Although many factors play a role in human inequality, the lack of education has to be one of the most significant contributors to the inability of people to lift themselves out of poverty. One of the most important contributors to the disparate education levels that persist is the difference in the quality of education, particularly when comparing urban and rural areas. If you have the Internet at your disposal, suddenly everyone has access to the vast interactive library, giving those who are determined to achieve a great chance of succeeding. This access not only opens up educational opportunities for children of school-going age but also provides an opportunity for those who had to drop out of school due to social or economic circumstances to complete their school- ing. With internet access, no one is too old to address shortfalls in their qualifications or knowledge and change their destiny. From there, the sky is the limit-the wealth of online courses one can complete is vast. Even learners who may not have the resources to complete a formal study could access the information online to pursue a career of their choosing. The value of access to the Internet to change people’s lives should therefore not be underestimated. Now, more than ever, governments and businesses need to focus on ensuring connectivity is not merely reserved for those who can afford it. Written by Edward Lawrence. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the var- ious authors and newsletter participants do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of CRIT or the CRIT Manataba Messenger. Photo credit: MMsgr.