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more pectin or else I’ve got syrup for my pancakes and waffles. Sort of like life, you know. There’s beauty in every incar- nation of the fruit, just as there is beauty in every human being. Sometimes you just have to dig for it. My first at- tempt at loquat (Japanese plum) jelly yielded a syrup. Dis- appointing at first, but it turned out to be a delectable pork glaze. I’ll repeat that particular “failure” again if I get more loquats. Don’t get me wrong. Putting up all those jars and freezer bags of fruit takes work, lots of work. But in the dark days of winter when I’m savoring the summer smell of fruit on a biscuit or a slice of toast or I’m enjoying the flavor of pear sauce as a side dish to dinner, I’m grateful for the fruit and grateful for the strength and stamina to “put up” produce. You’ll have to excuse me now. There’s a bucket of berries calling me. © 2021 Mary Beth Magee Author/speaker Mary Beth Magee writes cozy Christian fiction, poetry, children’s books and devotions. For more on her writing and training sessions, visit her website at www.LOL4.net . www.southernsenior.info 7 S