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A senior expo is a great way to find out information about products and services offered to seniors in your local area. Senior Expos are designed to connect you to businesses that offer everything from home modifications to per- sonal alarm systems to assisted living facilities and more. In Pearl River County, there are many organizations, companies, government agencies, care homes, and other related facilities ready to help senior citizens in many ways. The WRJW Senior Citizen Fair and Expo shows the seniors what is out there for them. The venue makes the information readily available, especially for services that seniors may need, but do not know exist. During the expo, seniors are able to speak with rep- resentatives about specific services, have their blood pressure measured, and receive literature on health and safety topics and more. A typical trip to WRJW Senior Fair and Expo involves visiting the booths, speaking with knowledgeable representatives, col- lecting brochures and other items from the ex- hibitors, socializing with other seniors, enjoying refreshments, trying for door prizes, and enjoying speakers and other entertainment. McDonald Funeral Home in Picayune has partici- pated in every WRJW Senior Citizen Fair and Expo. CEO Steve McDonald explained why McDonald Fu- neral Home looks forward to the yearly event. “It’s a great opportunity for us and every business to get to know the seniors in our community. We thor- oughly enjoy the time at the expo that allows us to see our customers who currently have insurance with us and those who may be interested in using our services in the future. The expo provides us with a chance to see so many friends, customers, poten- tial customers, and meet people. We will love being a part of it.” McDonald Funeral Home will continue its tradition of giving away four $100.00 cash prizes as part of the many door prizes that are part of the expo. The WRJW Senior Citizen Fair and Expo includes: nursing homes, legal services, insurance reps, in- home care services, hospice care, independent liv- ing facilities, home security, financial service providers, home health care providers, continuing care retirement communities, caregivers, assisted living facilities, home modification contractors, and with this year being an election year in Mississippi, it -Senior Citizen’s- FAIR & EXPO June 3 8AM - 12PM Picayune High Gymnasium 12 SOUTHERN SENIOR MAGAZINE | Winter 2023