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8 SOUTHERN SENIOR MAGAZINE | Winter 2023 S Did you know? Music historians say jazz originated in New Orleans during the latter half of the 19th cen- tury. As a port city in Louisiana, New Orleans welcomed people from all over the world, in- cluding West Africa. These immigrants brought the sounds of their native countries to the streets of New Orleans. When slavery was abolished after the American Civil War, many former slaves found jobs as musicians and shared the rhythm and blues of African roots. In addition, church hymns, field chants and Cuban-inspired rhythms were included in these musical stylings. These styles com- bined to form what would become “ragtime” and later “jazz” music. Jazz style is empha- sized by swing and blues notes, complex chords, call and response vocals, and im- provisation. The Tri-State Jazz Society says jazz continued to evolve and around 1945 “modern” jazz was created. Over the years, there have been many great jazz musicians, from Scott Joplin to Lou Watters to Duke Ellington to Billy Holliday to Louis Armstrong.