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www.southernsenior.info 5 as it was originally referred to until there was WWII. During WWII his dad and six of his un- cles went to war serving in the U.S Army, Marine Corps, Navy. Another uncle served in the Merchant Marines during the world’s re- covery from the war. Jim, himself had a twenty-year Army career. “My family never pressured me into the serv- ice. They didn’t have to because I was al- ready inspired by the men in my family who had kept our nation safe. And God was good, every last one of them returned home from those wars. “In the beginning of my military career, my MOS (military occupation specialty code) was 11B which is light weapons infantry. Later I transitioned to 82C, artillery surveyor. I too feel blessed to have successfully served and returned home to the family I helped to protect.” Roy Hoppe served in the United States Air Force from 1971-1978. He served at Air Bases in Alaska, Italy, and the Northern Peninsula of Michigan. By the time he mus- tered out he had attained the rank and rate of SSGT Accounting Specialist. I asked him what benefits he got from the mil- itary.