Swap Shop
FOR SALE: Grey wicker outside furniture, table with (4) chairs $100 or best offer. Call 985-960-7495. FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Missis- sippi Snow Geese”. Artist Jerrie Glaspar, signed and numbered. 25-inch X 20-inch print, $59 or best offer, free shipping and handling. Call 601-736-5057, in Foxworth. FREE: Dining table with (6) chairs. Call 805-630-3227. FOR SALE: Love seat, excellent condition, multi-colored in lighter colors, $100. Please Call 601-798-5768. FOR SALE: Leopard statue lamp, 3-foot tall only serious buyers. Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Multicolor lamp with (2) birds, 2- foot tall. Please Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: 72-Piece Gibson dinnerware, flo- ral edge pattern, $25 for all. Call 601-799-2070. FOR SALE: Cast iron table with heavy duty glass and (4) chairs that need cushions. Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Your Zone flip chair. Please Call 601-799-4774. FOR SALE: (3) Solar lamps, $10 each. Call 769-242-0086. Question: What is La- Z-Boy? Jeopardy Show. APPLIANCES FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Like-new Ken- more, front load, washer, needs water pump. Just come pick it up. It’s free! Call 504- 487-0522 in Lumberton. FOR SALE: Mini Split air conditioner, new still in box, $700. Please Call 305-724-6208. FOR SALE: GE washer and dryer, new still in boxes, $1000. Call 305-724-6208. FOR SALE: Sunbeam rotisserie, $20. Call 601-463-0393. FOR SALE: Kerosene outdoor heater, $25. Call 985-960-7495. FOR SALE: Brother embroidery machine PE-770 with acces- sories. Please Call 601-799-4774. FOR SALE: (2) Refrig- erators and (1) freezer, $40 each. Please Call 985-869-1044. FOR SALE: Washer, $140. Please Call 985- 869-1044. You turned my wailing into dancing; you re- moved my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, Psalm 30:11. EXERCISE EQUIP & SPORTING GOODS FOR SALE: Full-size treadmill, lightly-used, $250. Please Call 601- 215-6419. FOR SALE: 26-Inch Schwinn Le Tour bicy- cle, needs tire stem work, $45. Please Call 601-463-0393. FOR SALE: Power Bill golf bag and clubs, like new, all for just $135. Call 601-590-0115. FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Quail and Woodcock”. Artist Steve Church, 26-inch X 19¼- inch, signed and num- bered, free shipping and handling, $59 or best offer. Call 601-736- 5057, in Foxworth. FOR SALE: (2) Chil- dren’s bikes; (1) male, 6-8 years old; (1) fe- male, 3-5 years old with training wheels. Kept inside, asking $30 each, you pickup. Please Call 601-347-1920. FOR SALE: All-In-One Gym with DVD. Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Exercise bike, like new, only used twice. $135. Call 601-749-9497. FOR SALE: Sears Space-Saving ProForm Treadmill, good condi- tion. Asking $40, you pickup. 601-347-1920. FOR SALE: Mongoose mountain bike with fat tires, good condition, $75. Please Call 769- 242-0086. We do not inherit the earth from our ances- tors, we borrow it from our children. Haida Indian Saying. HUNTING & FISHING FOR SALE: Fishing equipment, rods and reels, and more, make offer. Please Call 985- 960-7495. Nov 13, 2023 | Swap Shop News | 13 WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 1320-AM 106.9-FM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Super Saturday Swap Shop 8:00 - 9:00 AM 601-799-1900 SWAP SHOP Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com Affordable TREE SERVICE Tree Cutting and Trimming, Stump Grinding, Debris Removal, Firewood, Dirt Hauling/ Grading, Driveways, Sod and Lot Clearing 24 HOUR BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE Accepts all major credit cards. Licensed & Insured Call Chris Clark 601-798-0253 • 601-916-9646 SEASONED OR GREEN FIREWOOD FOR SALE FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com
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