Swap Shop

FOR SALE: Mini Split air conditioner, new still in box, $700. Please Call 305-724-6208. FOR SALE: GE washer and dryer, new still in boxes, $1000. Call 305-724-6208. FOR SALE: Sunbeam rotisserie, $20. Call 601-463-0393. Jeopardy Answer: This five-letter word for the virge of catas- trophe also means the edge of a steep drop. Jeopardy Show. EXERCISE EQUIP & SPORTING GOODS FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Quail and Woodcock”. Artist Steve Church, 26-inch X 19¼- inch, signed and num- bered, free S&H, $59 or best offer. Call 601-736- 5057, in Foxworth. FOR SALE: 26-Inch Schwinn Le Tour bicy- cle, needs tire stem work, $45. Please Call 601-463-0393. FOR SALE: Rack workout machine. Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Exercise bike, like new, only used twice. $135. Call 601-749-9497. FOR SALE: Mountain bike, 29-speed, $100 or best offer. Please Call 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Full-size treadmill, lightly-used, $250. Please Call 601- 215-6419. FOR SALE: Power Bill golf bag and clubs, like new, all for just $135. Call 601-590-0115. Jeopardy Question: What is the brink? Jeopardy Show. HUNTING & FISHING FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Before The North Wind”, artist Pat Ford. If you like RedHeads, you’ll love this print, free shipping and handling, $59 or best offer. Call 601-736- 5057, in Foxworth. The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. Deuteronomy 18:15. BOATS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 15-Foot flat boat, with galva- nized trailer. Please Call 769-926-5840. FOR SALE: 19-Foot fiberglass, Deep V, proj- ect boat, motor, and trailer, hull in great con- dition, $600 or best offer. Please Call 985- 273-9972. FOR SALE: 10-Foot aluminum flatboat, with 6-horsepower Evinrude motor, trailer, and all pa- pers, $1800 or best offer. Please Call 985- 273-9972. Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Ducksters.com. ATVS & MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: 2019 Royal Enfield Hi- malayan motorbike, 411-cc, 5100-miles, new tires and other ac- cessories, looks new, kept in shed. $3650. Call 601-798-8238. FOR SALE: 36-Volt golf cart charger. Call 228-348-1565. FOR SALE: 5-Foot X 10-foot trailer for bike or UTV, with rear ramp, spare, $700. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: 2016 Harley Davidson, 6400+ miles. Please Call 601-798-0597. FOR SALE: 2008 Harley Davidson Springer, $9950. Call 601-798-0597. FOR SALE: (2) Scoot- ers, one 3-wheeler, and one 4-wheeler. $400 apiece. 601-215-4321 FOR SALE: Golf cart, $4000. Please Call 305-724-6208. A: A penny! Duck- sters.com . MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Desktop for a wheelchair. Call 601-798-7305. FOR SALE: Bariatric mobility scooter, needs (1) battery, $250. Call 601-541-1296. FOR SALE: Drive Med- ical wheelchair, 20-inch seat, model Cruiser X4, $100. Can deliver in Picayune. Call or text 601-347-1105. Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christ- mas every day. Helen Steiner Rice. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfish- ness. Corrie Ten Boom. Dec 4, 2023 | Swap Shop News | 13 Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com Affordable TREE SERVICE Tree Cutting and Trimming, Stump Grinding, Debris Removal, Firewood, Dirt Hauling/ Grading, Driveways, Sod and Lot Clearing 24 HOUR BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE Accepts all major credit cards. Licensed & Insured Call Chris Clark 601-798-0253 • 601-916-9646 SEASONED OR GREEN FIREWOOD FOR SALE FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE YEAR-ROUND