Swap Shop
WANTED: Someone to fix a pressure washer, needs parts. Please Call 601-590-3282. WANTED: Handyman. Call 601-347-7273. WANTED: Home care worker and house- keeper. Please Call 601-569-1157. WANTED: Part-time handyman. Please Call 601-569-1157. WANTED: Barber for an elderly person. Call 601-569-1157. WANTED TO BUY: Used sheets of tin or metal panels. Please Call 601-795-2209. WANTED: Tractor Tire, 12.4 X 28-inch. Call 601-798-1523. WANTED: Ford motor with 4.6 liter engine. Call 985-273-9972. WANTED: Burn Barrel. Call 76-926-2256. WANTED: Old scaffold boards. Please Call 601-463-0393. WANTED: Camper. Call 601-347-7273. WANTED: Discing for garden in Carriere, local please. Please Text to 601-590-3401. WANTED: Professional help put a roof over a deck. Please Call 601- 590-3282. WANTED: Junk push or riding mowers. Call 601-590-0703. WANTED: Coin collec- tions with Indian head and wheat pennies, buf- falo nickels, mercury dimes, quarters, half- dollars, and silver dol- lars. Will pay cash for coins. Please Call 228- 218-2563. WANTED TO BUY: Antiques and col- lectibles, especially old advertising signs, coun- try store metal signs and gas pumps. Will come to you and will pay cash. Please Call 601-517-6648. WANTED TO BUY: Old electronics for spare parts including cell phones, tablets, or computer towers. No TVs. Please Call 228- 281-3703. WANTED: Lawn mow- ers, any kind, running or not, fishing equipment, any kind, and vintage jewelry. Please Call 601-347-2589. WANTED: Morgan sil- ver dollars and Peace dollars. Will pay cash. Call 985-288-8657. WANTED: Local col- lector wants record al- bums in excellent condition, Rock, Blues, Heavy Metal, Punk, NEW Country, and records of local interest. Will pay reasonable cash. Email or text to 352-209-3063. WANTED: Car or truck in running condition with cold air, will pay up to $3000. Call 601-799- 2183 in Picayune. WANTED: Used house- phone to connect to old wall jacks new phones don’t connect to wall. Call 601-799-2183 in Picayune. WANTED: Parts for rear end of a riding mower. Please Call 985-273-9972. If you have items that you would like to ad- vertise in The Swap Shop News, e-mail your ad to swap- s h o p @ wrjwradio.com; or text or leave voice mail at 769-926-0123. SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM Check our website for more new and used car specials! www.herringford.com 820 MEMORIAL BLVD • PICAYUNE, MS • 601-798-8682 • 800-776-5497 Great Rides! The Right Prices! * Plus T,T, & L, Must Finance Fmcc, Trade-In Assistance Applied GREAT DEALS AT ONE GREAT LOCATION! 820 Memorial Blvd • Picayune, MS $ 29,977 2020 Ford Ranger XLT 2021 Ford F-150 XLT $ 42,977 $ 19,977 2019 Ford Mustang EcoBoost 2021 Ford F-150 XLT $ 46,977 $ 33,977 2022 Lincoln Corsair 2019 Ford EcoSport SE $ 18,977
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