Swap Shop

FOR SALE: (2) Under Armour backpacks, $20 each. Please Call 601- 590-3282. FOR SALE: (2) Train sets, still in boxes. Call 318-678-3546 in Picayune. FOR SALE: (2) Bumbo infant seats with safety straps, (1) blue and (2) lilac color, $15 each. Call 601-347-2652. FOR SALE: Antique swords and knives, $50 each. Please Call 601- 590-3282. FOR SALE: Fallout/ Storm shelter, 8-foot X 12-foot, fiberglass, insu- lated, wired. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: Luggage, set of (3) suitcases, good shape, $25 for all. Call 601-590-3324. My Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. Forrest Gump. PETS & LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: AKC 2 year old female Pug. $300. Please Call 228- 236-8040 FOR SALE: 2 year old female Himalayan cat. $300. Please Call 228- 239-2103 after 12p FOR SALE: Purebred Great Pyrenees pup- pies. Females $125, Males $100. Please Call 601-795-4092 Dec 4, 2023 | Swap Shop News | 3 3310 Highway 11 North (601) 798-6565 110 Highway 11 North (601) 798-4846 Serving Pearl River County Since 1903 2 Great Picayune Locations for Your Convenience www.PicayuneDrug.com Community Home Care Pharmacy Long Term Care Services Get all your Home Care needs with us! Your Friendly, Downtown Drug Store! Mon - Fri 8AM - 6PM Sat 8AM - 1PM Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com c h e c k i t o u t ! w r j w r a d i o . c om