Swap Shop

LAWN & GARDEN & FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Kubota M4700 tractor, 52- horsepower, low hours, with bush hog. Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: Pump for a fountain in a pond, $50. Please Call 228- 304-7295. FOR SALE: 1986 Diesel Tractor, 2-cylin- der, air cooled, barn kept, excellent condi- tion, $5000 or best offer. Call 228-596-3284. FOR SALE: 2000 Massey Ferguson 243 tractor, $5000. Call 601-215-3357. FOR SALE: Edger and tiller, both in excellent condition, make offer. Call 601-569-6616. FOR SALE: Kubota 1996, 2-wheel drive M4700 tractor and bush hog, 1070-hours. Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: 42-Inch riding mower, has other new parts but needs new rear end, $300. Call 985-273-9972. Jeopardy Question: What is bivouac? Jeopardy Show. Dec 4, 2023 | Swap Shop News | 7 SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM