Swap Shop

FOR SALE: Ducks Un- limited print, “Missis- sippi Snow Geese”. Artist Jerrie Glaspar, signed and numbered. 25-inch X 20-inch print, $59 or best offer, free shipping and handling. Call 601-736-5057, in Foxworth. FOR SALE: (40) Pounds Mardi Gras beads, $50. Please Call 228-239-2103. FOR SALE: Coleman Weathermaster, 6- per- son tent, plus screen, 17-foot X 9-foot, (2) rooms, new still in box, $130. Please Call 601- 749-9497. FOR SALE: Large Wolff tanning bed, $150. Please Call 228- 239-2103. Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14. PETS & LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: AKC Reg- istered Labradoodle, 8 months old, shots. $1,000. Please Call 769-250-0832 FOR SALE: (5) Hogs and (1) Billy Goat, and Firewood. Please Call 601-347-6009 FREE: Male donkey. Call 601-347-6009. FOR SALE: (7) Sad- dles with pads, bridles, and other items, $500 or best offer. Call 228- 596-3284 in Saucier. Dec 18, 2023 | Swap Shop News | 3 3310 Highway 11 North (601) 798-6565 110 Highway 11 North (601) 798-4846 Serving Pearl River County Since 1903 2 Great Picayune Locations for Your Convenience www.PicayuneDrug.com Community Home Care Pharmacy Long Term Care Services Get all your Home Care needs with us! Your Friendly, Downtown Drug Store! Mon - Fri 8AM - 6PM Sat 8AM - 1PM SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM c h e c k i t o u t ! w r j w r a d i o . c om