Swap Shop
WANTED: Morgan sil- ver dollars and Peace dollars. Will pay cash. Call 985-288-8657. WANTED: 4-Wheeler, any color. Please Call 601-569-2337. WANTED: Set of golf clubs for kids or youth. Cll 601-590-3324. WANTED: 4.6-Liter motor for Ford F150, any number of miles as long as it works. Call 985-273-9972. WANTED: Clothes for men and women, food, blankets and shoes for the homeless. Anything is very appreciated. Call 769-356-8201. WANTED: Bales of hay. Please Call 601- 947-7747. WANTED: Local col- lector wants record al- bums in excellent condition, Rock, Blues, Heavy Metal, Punk, NEW Country, and records of local interest. Will pay reasonable cash. Email or text to 352-209-3063. If you have items that you would like to ad- vertise in The Swap Shop News, e-mail your ad to swap- s h o p @ wrjwradio.com; or text or leave voice mail at 769-926-0123. Jan 15, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 15 V i s i t Swa p S h o p O n l i n e www. WR JWR a d i o . c om LISTEN LIVE ANYWHERE
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