Swap Shop

SERVICES OFFERED Animal Swap & Farmer’s Market, 3rd Saturday of each month. Sell anything: crafts, jellies/jams, an- imals & pets, etc. no charge. Free Booths. Please, call ahead if you have any ques- tions or for more de- tails. Crossroads Feed & Seed 3854 Hwy 26. W Cross- roads, MS. 601-772-9497 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: (2) Megamic microphones with batteries and speakers, (1) with siren, $15 each. Call 601-590- 3282 or 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Elvis Pres- ley memorabilia collec- tion, make offer. Call 601-590-2305. FOR SALE: Cricut cardmaker. Please Call 769-717-6397. FOR SALE: Home- brew Beer Brewery, over $5000 worth of equipment and ingredi- ents, $1950. Details and pictures available via text or email. Call 228-493-4071. FOR SALE: 6-Pounds of vintage Mardi Gras doubloons from 1970s. Call 805-630-3227 FOR SALE: Col- lectibles: 30-Year an- niversary “Grease”, Rizzo pink label, Barbie collection, musical doll and stand still in box, $30. Please Call 769- 356-8030. FOR SALE: (2) Con- tainers full of movies, westerns, action/adven- ture, many children’s movies, make offer. Call 769-356-8030. FOR SALE: Avon Cin- derella and Rapunzel collection series by Geppeddo, and more. Call 769-356-8030. FOR SALE: Storm shelter, fiberglass, 10- foot X 8-foot, lights, air conditioning. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: Set of au- thentic bull-horns, $125. Call 985-960-7495. FOR SALE: Wagon wheels, $150. Please Call 985-960-7495. FOR SALE: (2) Sleep- ing bags, new, un- opened, and (1) 4-person tent, $100 for all. Call 228-332-7304. FOR SALE: Stuffed animals, DVDs includ- ing lots of collection sets, and CDs, every- thing is $1 each. Call 769-356-8229. FOR SALE: Small jukebox, $200. Call 601-347-0381. Fear less, hope more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours. Anonymous. PETS & LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Non-reg- istered, 9 month old, black, Dexter Heifer. Small homestead breed. Please Call 504-430-8007 FOR SALE: Large dog crate, $10. Please Call 769-717-6397. FOR SALE: Used rab- bit cages with plastic pan, $15. Please Call 985-735-1204. FOR SALE: Several cattle feed troughs, 12- 15-foot long. Please Call 504-330-0780. FOR SALE: Several new pet beds. Please Call 601-590-3282 or 769-242-0086. FREE TO A LOVING HOME: Male, orange, tabby cat, chipped, neutered, 1-½ year old, a sweet indoor cat. Call 601-258-0291. FOR SALE: Dog Ken- nel, good condition. Paid $300, asking $150. Please Call 985- 346-2564. FOR SALE: Stainless steel drinking well, $20. Call 601-590-3282 or 769-242-0086. FOR SALE: Medium- size pet taxi/carrier, very good condition, $35. Please Call 504- 232-7046 in Picayune. w r j w r a d i o . c om Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 2 | Swap Shop News | Jan 15, 2024 OFFICE INFO Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Distribution Area Pearl River, Stone, Hancock, Harrison, Marion, Forrest & Lamar Counties (MS) and St. Tammany & Washington Parishes (LA) The SWAP SHOP Newspaper shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical error(s) in publication except to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. For errors, omissions, or failure of an ad to appear, you MUST notify The Swap Shop Newspaper office within five days of publication. The Swap Shop Newspaper reserves the right to refuse any ad or portion of an ad we think questionable or not in good taste. The Swap Shop Newspaper shall not be held liable for any content of an ad placed by any of our advertisers. phone 601-798-4835 fax 601-798-9755 email swapshop@wrjwradio.com Office 2438 Highway 43 South Send mail to P O Box 907 Picayune, Mississippi 39466 w r j w r a d i o . c om SWAP SHOP NEWSPAPER LEAKY ROOF? Leak Experts. CALL ON ME FOR ALL ROOF REPAIRS. Fast and Affordable with 25 years experience. Free estimates. 601-215-4731. RM’s Junk and Trash Removal. Residential and more. Free Estimates. Call 601-337-6311 Jay’s Pool Services Maintenance and Renovations. Call Jay at 985-302-4207 1320-AM 106.9-FM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM-10:00 AM Super Saturday Swap Shop 8:00 - 9:00 AM 601-799-1900 SWAP SHOP