Swap Shop

FOR SALE: Fish tank. Call 601-716-7113. A: “It was a right mot- ley company that gathered about the noble greenwood tree in Sherwood’s depths” in an 1883 tale of this hero. Jeopardy Show. LAWN & GARDEN & FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: (1) Allis Chalmers D-17 tractor, 65-horsepower, several new parts, and (1) large, 3-bottom plow, $4800 for both. Call 601-273-2139. FOR SALE: Kubota tractor, M4700, 2-wheel drive, 52-horsepower, 1070-hours. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: Kubota tractor, M4700, 2-wheel drive, 52-horsepower, 1070-hours. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: 5-Foot disc, $500. Please Call 504-330-0780. FOR SALE: Several farming items. Call 504-330-0780. FOR SALE: 48-Inch Craftsman riding lawn mower. Please Call 601-916-0378. FOR SALE: (16) 40- Pound bags of Tifton #9 Bahia-grass seeds, $200 each bag. Call 228-348-1565. FOR SALE: Folding garden seat and kneeler with reversible pad, $20. Call 601-590- 3282 or 769-242-0086. Q: Who is Robin Hood? Jeopardy Show. Jan 15, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 3 3310 Highway 11 North (601) 798-6565 110 Highway 11 North (601) 798-4846 Serving Pearl River County Since 1903 2 Great Picayune Locations for Your Convenience www.PicayuneDrug.com Community Home Care Pharmacy Long Term Care Services Get all your Home Care needs with us! Your Friendly, Downtown Drug Store! Mon - Fri 8AM - 6PM Sat 8AM - 1PM SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 c h e c k i t o u t ! w r j w r a d i o . c om