Swap Shop

FOR SALE: Large dog crate, $10. Please Call 769-717-6397. FOR SALE: Used rab- bit cages with plastic pan, $15. Please Call 985-735-1204. FOR SALE: Several cattle feed troughs, 12- 15-foot long. Please Call 504-330-0780. FREE TO A LOVING HOME: Male, orange, tabby cat, chipped, neutered, 1-½ year old, a sweet indoor cat. Call 601-258-0291. FOR SALE: Dog Ken- nel, good condition. Paid $300, asking $150. Please Call 985- 346-2564. FOR SALE: Stainless steel drinking well, $20. Call 601-590-3282 or 769-242-0086. A. Magnanimity means: C. Nobility of spirit; generosity in overlooking insults or injuries. Reader’s Di- gest Word Power. LAWN & GARDEN & FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: John Deere 1010 tractor, 24- horsepower, everything works great, $5000. Call to discuss price, 601-569-2132. FOR SALE: (23) 8- Inch X 16-inch, and (4) 16-inch X 16-inch, step- ping stones.. Please Call 601-916-0648. FOR SALE: Extra- large, 2-point turning plow, 3-point hitch. Call 601-347-6009. FOR SALE: Used disc, 3-point hitch. Please Call 601-347-6009. Jan 29, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 3 3310 Highway 11 North (601) 798-6565 110 Highway 11 North (601) 798-4846 Serving Pearl River County Since 1903 2 Great Picayune Locations for Your Convenience www.PicayuneDrug.com Community Home Care Pharmacy Long Term Care Services Get all your Home Care needs with us! Your Friendly, Downtown Drug Store! Mon - Fri 8AM - 6PM Sat 8AM - 1PM SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 c h e c k i t o u t ! w r j w r a d i o . c om