Swap Shop
FOR SALE: 2016 Suzuki DF-60 outboard motor. Just had 300- hour service. (2) stain- less steel props, $2500 for all. Please Call 318- 355-9755. FOR SALE: 12-Foot aluminum flat boat, has small hole, $200 or best offer. Please Call 985- 960-7495. FOR SALE: 19-Foot fiberglass, Deep V, proj- ect boat, motor, and trailer, hull in great con- dition, $600 for all. Call 985-273-9972. FOR SALE: 10-Foot aluminum flatboat, with 6-horsepower Evinrude motor, trailer, and all pa- pers, $1500 or best offer Please Call 985- 273-9972. FOR SALE: Several parts for an aluminum flat boat, $200 for all. Call 985-273-9972 for details. Answer: The greatest incidence of torna- does is in this coun- try, where more than 1,000 happen annu- ally. Jeopardy Show. ATVS & MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: Motorcy- cle helmets and equip- ment. Please Call 601-590-3282 or 769- 242-0086. Question: What is the United States? Jeop- ardy Show. 12 | Swap Shop News | Feb 12, 2024 WRJW Swap Shop 1320-AM 106.9-FM 9:30 AM Monday-Friday Super Saturday Swap Shop at 8:00 AM Call 601-799-1900 1320-AM 106.9-FM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Super Saturday Swap Shop 8:00 - 9:00 AM 601-799-1900 SWAP SHOP Never Fail Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Praised, Adored, and Glorified throughout the world, now and forever. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in now. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, Pray for me. St. Theresa, child of Jesus, Pray for me. St. Jude, Helper of hopeless cases, Pray for me. And grant this favor I ask. Amen. Say this prayer 9x a day for 9 days, and publish. SWAP SHOP ONLINE WRJWRADIO.COM
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