Swap Shop

ATVS & MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: Polaris 96 Sportsman 500 ATV, runs great. Please Call 601-569-5684. FOR SALE: 2022 Hisun Sector, side x side, UTV, like new, everything you want on a side x side, $5000. Call 601-798-4336. FOR SALE: Vespa, 250-cc scooter, runs great. Please Call 601- 569-5684. FOR SALE: Suzuki Boulevard S-50, 805 cc, with windshield, engine guard, foot pegs, seat, back rest, saddle bags, helmet, $2400. Call 504-430-1731 FOR SALE: Yamaha Kodiak 450 4-wheeler. Call 769-926-5840. It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the tem- ple was torn in two. Luke 23:44&45. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Multi-lift handicap lift for entry and exit of an F-150 truck, front passenger seat, $3200. Please Call 601-749-6469. FOR SALE: Wood slide-transfer board, 30- inch X 8-foot X 0.7-inch, heavy duty, 500-pound capacity, $20. Please Call 601-749-6469. FOR SALE: Hoyer lift, manually operated, $250. Please Call 601- 749-6469. FOR SALE: Power wheelchair, model F5, used very little, $4500. Call 601-749-6469. FOR SALE: Foldable steel commode, with in- structions and Humana equipment, still in box, make offer. Please Call 601-347-7836. FOR SALE: Custom canes, some are an- tique, $10 each or best offer. Please Call 601- 347-7836. FOR SALE: Wheel- chair. Valued at $500, asking $100. Please Call 601-569-3530. FOR SALE: Blood pressure monitors, still in box, $10 each. Call 601-590-3282. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I com- mit my spirit. “ When he had said this, he breathed his last.” Luke 23:46. MUSIC EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 5-Piece drum set, black metallic, new, $400. Please Call 601-799-6993. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body. Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid. Luke 23:52&53. LOST & FOUND FOUND: Key fob on Moeller Road, east of Caesar Rd. Please Call 720-425-0057. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:2&3. Apr 1, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 13 Email Listings to... swapshop@wrjwradio.com www.wrjwradio.com