Swap Shop
FREE: A good home for a 5-year old black cat. Call 720-425-0057. FOR SALE: Book, Farming Elk and Red Deer, 369-pages, by J.C. Haigh and R.J. Hudson at University of Canada. Like new, now out of print. Price re- duced to only $49 or best offer, free shipping and handling. Please Call 601-736-5057. FOR SALE: Folding dog kennel, price re- duced to only $40. Call 601-590-3282. FOR SALE: Pet foun- tains, several plastic and (2) stainless steel, make offer. Please Call 601-590-3282. FOR SALE: Saddle pad, never used, price reduced to $25. Call 769-242-0964 in Picayune. FOR SALE: Nice fold- ing dog kennel, $50. Call 601-347-7836. FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Medium sized dog, mixed breed Brit- ney/King Charles Cava- lier Spaniel, 7-years old, very well behaved and a great companion, best for adults without small children. Text to 985-502-7548. As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. Luke 23:26. www.wrjwradio.com Apr 1, 2024 | Swap Shop News | 3 3310 Highway 11 North (601) 798-6565 110 Highway 11 North (601) 798-4846 Serving Pearl River County Since 1903 2 Great Picayune Locations for Your Convenience www.PicayuneDrug.com Community Home Care Pharmacy Long Term Care Services Get all your Home Care needs with us! Your Friendly, Downtown Drug Store! Mon - Fri 8AM - 6PM Sat 8AM - 1PM c h e c k i t o u t ! w r j w r a d i o . c om 1320-AM 106.9-FM Monday-Friday 9:30 AM Super Saturday Swap Shop 8:00 - 9:00 AM 601-799-1900 SWAP SHOP
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